Becoming a government contractor can help expand your small business regardless of the industry it belongs to. Navigating government contracting challenges can be difficult mainly for newbie contractors. Nonetheless, knowing what to keep in mind can ease the journey. Discussed below are four tips for new government contractors.


Understand the government procurement process

The government procurement process ascertains that the best possible deal is arrived at for government agencies while ensuring the taxpayer's money is wisely spent. Government procurement comes in different categories and understanding each of them enables you to learn more about government contracting. The contracting procedure promotes innovation and competition and ascertains the best product quality at an affordable cost.

Learning how the government procurement process operates, including government aircraft contracting, gives you, the new contractor, insights into effectively positioning your business for success. The procedure can be subdivided into three primary stages, including:

  • Proposal stage: Here, a department/agency calls for proposals from eligible suppliers. The proposals should contain details regarding the service/ product to be bought, the approximated cost, and a comprehensive description of how suppliers attain the desired outcome
  • Selection stage: In this section, an experts’ panel evaluates the submitted proposals depending on quality, price, and delivery time
  • Award stage: This is where the supplier who has showcased the best bid is awarded the contract

Perform in-depth market research

To develop a successful proposal, you must perform in-depth market research. The research involves collecting information regarding the market, competition, and government agency. This lets you craft your proposal to the government agency's needs. Through research, you can demonstrate your market understanding and differentiate your company from the competition.

When looking to learn more about the competition, understanding their strengths and pricing strategies can help you craft a winning proposal. Identifying their weaknesses and previous performance can also help. For comprehensive research, look into different information sources, such as market analysis and industry reports. Looking at online resources and government databases can also help.


Tailor your proposal to meet the agency’s needs and requirements

Once your research is done, write a proposal that it matches the government agency's requirements and ensure it’s persuasive. A properly-tailored proposal boosts your chance of winning the contract. A winning bid should include:

  • An executive summary: This consists of the proposal's primary points plus what makes your company the best fit for the contract. If the agency's instructions need an executive summary, ensure it’s consistent and compliant with the rest of your proposal
  • Past performance: It’s a brief of your relevant previous performance, like the contract size, duration, type, and its relationship with the current solicitation
  • Technical approach: It contains a comprehensive statement of how you intend to fulfill the contract
  • Pricing: This should involve a clear, competitive pricing approach, including a comprehensive cost breakdown and how they resonate with the extent of work

Build solid relationships

Building strong relationships is key to your company's success. Considering how competitive the government contracting sector is, developing solid relationships with decision-makers enables you to gain a competitive edge. with robust connections and a network, you can ensure ongoing business opportunities and partnerships. Besides winning contracts, establishing relationships with decision-makers is an investment for your organization's long-term success.



Winning government contracts as a new contractor isn’t easy. However, implementing these tips can help boost your success chances.