Many marketers insist on the importance of SEO, lead magnets, social media, and digital marketing, and they forget that a website’s design is critical to getting visitors to convert. Web design can and does break conversion rates and getting it wrong can cost businesses a lot of money. Over the years, web developers and designers have come up with proven ways to increase conversion rates, and we will look at the top strategies below.


Limit the Number of Decisions Visitors Has to Make

When people have many choices, they take longer to make a choice, and they may not make one at all. Psychologists have been studying this phenomenon since the 1980s, and we now see web designers and developers doing the same.

Good web design calls for visitors to have as few options as possible. Doing so can increase conversion rates because these fewer choices do not induce the same anxiety that makes it difficult for people to choose. Incorporating conversion rate optimization services into your website design can further enhance the effectiveness of narrowing down options for visitors, ultimately boosting conversion rates.

Web designers have to think about the choices they want visitors to make, such as navigating the website or purchasing a product, and then limit their options in these critical areas to make them more likely to convert.


Use a Simple and Clear Design

People want to know what your website is about, what it sells, and how it benefits them immediately after they get on your website. They will likely leave and never return if they do not get these answers quickly. A website’s design should allow visitors to get these answers without having them jump through looks.

Using headers of the right size and contrast that makes your copy easy to read are important strategies. Not having too many popups, which increases the number of choices visitors have to make, also helps. 

You can see these principles used when you look at a website like Bulk Munitions. The design makes it easy for people to know that the website sells ammunition, and the contrast makes it easy to read the copy on the website. 


Make it Mobile Responsive

Web designers, developers, and businesses have known for about a decade now that many people start their search for a product on their mobile devices. Once they find it, they turn to their computers to complete a purchase. They do this because the website doesn’t make it easier for them to do this on their mobile devices which are typically smaller.

Since some people might forget to complete their purchase when they switch over, web designers have to minimize the chances of them switching over in the first place. The best way of doing this is by making the website responsive.

A responsive website is viewable and usable on a mobile device without much effort on the customer’s end. They do not have to scroll horizontally or resize their browser to see what is on the page. Buttons and calls to action are also large enough and clear, while purchase processes are easy to complete on these smaller devices.


Make Your Calls to Action Clear

People make decisions quickly when the option is provided to them clearly. Your calls to action should be big and eye-catching enough while also telling a user what to do. If you want them to download a lead magnet, tell them that. If you want them to buy a product, tell them. Explicitly explaining your instructions and calls to action will increase your conversion rates.


Use Social Proof to Increase Credibility

People are more likely to convert if they see others have done so and had a great experience. The most common types of social proof are reviews, testimonials, and social media posts. You can use these on your website to increase conversions.

Conversions are crucial for the success of a business; if it is not converting visitors into customers, it is not making money. Your website’s design will determine your conversion rates, so it is best to keep an eye on it and make the necessary changes to ensure it does.