Why Competent Recruitment Is Essential For Any Business


8 Sept 2022, 2:31 am GMT+1

Of course, reading the title of this post might have given you pause. You might think that this topic is so obvious that delving into why you need a competent recruitment strategy for your firm is a waste of your time. Not so. It’s important to realize that competent recruitment is anything but easy to implement, and will require time to get right. It’s essential to learn why and how to invest in this, and to continually maintain its development as an essential department of your firm, or services you hire. A great labour hire company might know their methods for finding the best people for your firm, but it’s important for you to understand this context in order to verify the staff for yourself. When and if you move into building your own recruiting department, you will then understand how to structure this in a way that is most conducive to hiring smart, effective people, and staying financially stable thanks to this effort. Consider our vital tips to help you achieve this, and you’re likely to build your firm well from the ground up:


Sometimes verifying the past portfolio and working contributions of an employee can take time. You need to verify their references, ensure they are who they say they are, ensure they have all the correct documentation that allows them to work in your country of origin. That’s important to steward of course, but it might be that using a

labour hire company

can help you avoid all of this, or at least have this information immediately to hand when being presented with someone perfect for your job. It’s not uncommon for people to lie in order to try and secure the job they want. With this extra level of scrutiny, verifying your staff are skilled and who they say they are can help you prevent getting in trouble with regulating authorities, and ensure you have a competently skilled staff member to use for important tasks.

Personal Reliability

There are many different types of people that will fill the ranks of your firm. You will usual encounter them all. However, when it comes to hiring, it’s easy to see who might be willing to take personal responsibility for errors and who might not. In other words, competent recruitment is able to set apart those who are only there to climb and defer the blame with those you can trust to speak directly and never sweep an issue under the rug. Ignoring or hiding problems can sometimes cost firms thousands to millions in reparative damages. Perhaps the most shining example of this is the devastating financial crisis of 2008. Fundamentally flawed mortgage packages were crafted by those who were either unaware, unethical or simply in it for the money. The credit agencies would give these bonds high ratings in order to enhance how attractive they looked. This led to plenty of profit in a fraud, like sense, but this wouldn’t have taken place if heavier regulations were placed internally to sustain the long-term health of the firm, but more importantly that the human factor was managed. Of course, this is a shining and quite complex example of what happens when the human factor gets out of control. The best you can do here is ensuring you hire a team of ethical, well trained and responsible adults who, in the long term, will only try and work in a healthy framework set by your policies, and nothing more.

The Kind Of Person

Of course, it takes a skilled recruiter to see value in someone. Of course, grades, qualifications and passed experience are essential. But the ability to choose between people is something that only a truly skilled interviewee can accomplish. Merit should be the only blossoming need they look for, but there might be other variables in play. How many languages can the person speak? What does the candidate let on about their personal hobbies? How reliable are they to stay with your firm? How might they lead a team? Of course, only skill-based considerations are ever acceptable to choose one candidate over another for, and ensuring that your firm has absolutely zero discrimination in its choice-making individuals is essential. However, next time you’re hiring, consider looking past the person on the paper, and try to see the person across from you. This might give you a much clearer picture of who they are and what you might expect than anything else at all.

Versatility Or Specialists?

Priorities are important to chisel out when figuring out the difference in future staff members. DO you hope to hire a team of

versatile employees

, or are you hoping for a ratio of deep specialists there? When filling a department, how might the makeup of this team work in the best way possible? If using an outsourced recruitment firm, what criteria might you ask them to search for, and how might you ask for this to be verified? In other words, you can’t hire unless you know what you want, and not only what skills you want, but how said skills might interact with the current configuration of your office. It’s this that can make the most difference in the future, so be sure to consider it.

Future Goals

Knowing the future goals of your potential candidates can help you decide if they’re worth the investment. For example, someone with ambition might be a great possibility to work through your management training program. If you get the impression they’re simply in it to see how much money they could earn at the moment, they might disappear in the next year if provided with a different offer. While you cannot police the life choices someone makes, nor can even the most reliable people be fully trusted to stick with your firm for years (nor should they be expected to,) sometimes directly asking them what their future goals are can help you consider their

long-term life

story in your firm, and how you might adjust to best accommodate that. With these tips, running a competent recruitment process should be achievable and much more informed.

This is an article provided by our partners network. It might not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of our editorial team and management. Contributed content

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