When you’ve found your strength in your products or services in your startup; it’s time to hit the ground running regarding your impact on the market. Competition is fierce, and you’ll need to expect that another company is doing what you do already.

Therefore, you need to have a more appealing brand identity and travel down every avenue that will help you tempt your target audience to your website. A few social media updates and a business logo is not enough to gain consumer traffic; people have plenty of options to choose from, so be the one that looks the best. The following are the areas of your business that you’ll need to put your effort into in order to get as many people to notice you when you launch your fledgling company. 

One avenue worth exploring is partnering with a reputable design agency. Deuce Studio design agency London, for instance, offers a range of services that can help enhance your brand’s visual appeal and identity. Their expertise could be the edge you need to stand out in a crowded market.

You should also learn about MESH Marketing & Advertising and see how working with a full-service marketing team can take your brand to new heights. Whether it’s creating a brand strategy, developing creative campaigns or managing social media, having a professional team on your side can make a significant impact.

Creating Your Identity

This is where strategy and planning are the most crucial; you need to begin working out everything from your brand’s aesthetics, to how you’re going to engage with potential consumers. Work out your company’s value, ethics, and beliefs, and how each can be represented through your brand clearly. Having a strong character and personality in your business will ensure that people are tempted to invest in you because of more than what you sell or offer.

Carefully consider your colour choices, the shapes and texture you use within your branding, and any taglines; these are the first point of contact for your potential customers. They have to reflect what they can expect from your business. It’s worth looking towards your competitor’s branding and design, but don’t stare. Think about your branding on an array of marketing platforms; it needs to make an impact on everything from Infinity Cards to digital pop-ups. Seeing what has worked successfully in the past will give you an idea of what the market responds to and expects. However, you don’t want to risk copying anyone, as you’ll only end up looking like a watered down version of your predecessors and few people will take note.
To help with creating your brand identity, it's a good idea to ask yourself some key brand discovery questions. These questions will help you define your brand's core values and what sets you apart from your competitors. Some of the questions you should consider include:

• What is your brand's mission statement?
• What are your brand's core values?
• What are your brand's unique selling points?
• Who is your target audience?
• What tone of voice will your brand use in its messaging?
• What is your brand's story?
• What are your brand's visual elements, such as logo, colours, and font?

Being Seen

Once your branding and identity are firmly in place and ready to portray your business; it’s time to plan your marketing strategy and ensure that all the right people are seeing your presence. You should be planning your marketing and official launch throughout the process of fine-tuning your design elements. Know how you’re going to hit the market with force, so that your launch can go as seamlessly as possible and have the desired effect. Begin by remembering that only a select portion of the market are going to be interested in your business; so it’s crucial that as many of them see your brand as possible. It’s no use a plethora of consumers seeing your company if they’re not going to click through and invest, so targeting the right place should be your focus.

Take into considering the size of your market and where they’ll be; think about their age, location, income, and how they identify to help steer you in the right direction with your marketing strategy. Again, this is another point where you should be looking towards your competitors and those that have already succeeded; you’ll be able to gather some valuable data and knowledge which will assist in your set-up. Think about how to speak best, engage, and communicate with your desired audience, and then be consistent with everything to give to them.