London Affordable Housing Summit

A Call to Action: Seven minutes to save London! Can the four main mayoral candidates present cogent strategies for planning , funding and delivering affordable homes for Londoners? All four are confirmed to speak only for 7 minutes. Increasing homelessness, mental health issues for young people by overcrowding, transient communities, no ability to plan for their future mean the people who are investing their human capital in London are being pushed out of our capital city. ‘The summit, at London South Bank University, investigates the issue highest on all Londoners’ minds’ With unstable tenancies and crushing rent increases, how can London thrive without a secure plan for housing infrastructure? The groups and organizations committed to attend represent the voices and the views of one million Londoners. Join us in creating Plan A for London for the next Mayor. Over half a day, Uprise London brings together key stakeholders, citizens, investors, the policymakers, think-tanks, action people and all who care and want to participate. The key learning from the day will form Plan A and be published on 1 May. It will be hand delivered to Treasury, No 10 and the four main candidates. Join one of four workshops:


  • Policy Landscape – The Good and their Great Ideas - Toby Lloyd, CIVA; London Sustainability Exchange, The Guardian; CLT
  • Political Landscape, What Needs to Happen - Cllr Rabina Khan; Tom Chance, London Green Party; Sara Hyde, Labour GLA Candidate
  • Investment Landscape, Who Pays and Why - London Rebuilding Society, u and i group, Integriti Capital, Responsible Investor Magazine
  • Industry, What Can Be Done to Lift Us from Housing Scarcity - JAA; Yvonne Roberts, Observer; We Like Today; Places for People


From March 2014 – 2015 only 6,592 affordable homes were built or 28% of all new housing. 2.4 million households – more than three million people – on council housing waiting lists


  • 61,970 households are in temporary accommodation – a 21% increase since 2010
  • 90,450 children are living in temporary accommodation
  • 1/2 private renting housing benefit claimants in London are working, compared to 1/3 rest of England.
  • Londoners have to save £179,248 for their deposit on an average London property costing £503,431, where average earnings are £35,238 a year. A Londoner’s average rent bill is £1,500
  • The Housing Benefit bill for London reached £6bn




London Affordable Housing SummitLondon Affordable Housing Summit


For Editors: Uprise London CiC is an ethical, affordable housing developer. It uses its profits to fund affordable ( 75% BMV) housing and training for women and children needing post refuge accommodation. Uprise operates a transparent procurement chain, uses only locally sourced materials and labour. Uprise Policy Forum is a platform to develop practical solutions for entrenched social problems. Tickets can be acquired in: Open Business Council is a 360 degrees hub supporting business, SMEs and startups in an open and transparent way. We believe in the power of openness and collaboration as core success factors for the future of doing business. 

London South Bank University is one of London's largest and oldest universities. Since 1892, it has been providing vocationally-relevant, accredited and professionally recognised education. Its School of The Built Environment and Architecture is the largest building schools in the UK, with 100% of its taught degree courses offering professional accreditation. Many decision makers in the built environment sector are LSBU graduates.

Contact Holly Bright , Uprise London on 07484843778 Press passes (limited) contact Charlotte Hogg, on 020 7815 6717, Venue : Keyworth Centre, LSBU, 27 April 2016 09 00 to 3-30