Technology is All Around This Christmas And New Year


8 Sept 2022, 1:33 am GMT+1

As Brits gather with loved ones this Christmas, it appears one thing is bringing those who can’t be physically with us all together, according to new research. The survey of 2,001 British adults carried out by gadgets and technology e-tailer,

, found that 74% of Brits use technology to connect with family and friends on December 25th. Smartphones took the top spot as the gadget most used by Brits to keep in touch with loved ones on Christmas Day (71%), closely followed by tablets (66%). Meanwhile, 53% of those surveyed said a laptop was the gadget they use to talk with friends and family on December 25th. The research also revealed which online sites Brits mostly use, highlighting Skype (42%), Snapchat (40%), Facebook (35%) and Instagram (32%) as the top applications used to bring families together on 25th December. When it comes to who Brits are connecting with via technology platforms at Christmas, more than 1 in 2 (54%) revealed it to be family and friends living overseas. Almost 1 in 3 (32%) revealed they use technology to connect with friends they have made on social media, some of whom they may well have never even met. And even 1 in 8 (13%) admitted they use technology over the festive period to talk with friends they know from online gaming. Mark Kelly, marketing manager at

, commented: “Christmas is the season to be surrounded by loved ones and is all about bringing people together. That said, many of us now spend Christmas away from our families or friends. Some live and work in another country, others may be on deployment with the armed forces, and some may even be friends we have met online.” “The rise of technology in our everyday lives helps to make December 25th a global affair and plays a really positive role in helping those who can’t be physically with us on the special day. As geographical mobility increases, technology is helping to make the world a smaller seeming place. It is great to see what an influence technology has in bringing people together at a special time of the year and means everyone can be involved in the seasons celebrations.” is the UK’s largest online laptop specialist, selling a wide range of new and refurbished laptops from leading brands, as well as a wide range of other lifestyle gadgets. is the specialist computing division of the BuyItDirect Group, and the UK’s largest online laptops specialist, bringing customers the best deals in the UK from all the leading brands at great value prices.

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