Security is a big issue today, but the security that you hear about in the news over and over again surrounds our cyber security, rather than the security of our offices and homes. There will always be a need for cyber security systems in the digital world that we live in today, but most people forget that they need to secure their office space and home as well. It should be on the top of your list for importance, though, because what if you completely forget to secure your office and you lose thousands in furniture and equipment? Below, we’ve got seven budget tested ideas for your office security this year.

  1. Lock It Up. It doesn’t matter whether you are popping out for a coffee or not, your office doors need to stay locked. It can help businesses to buy into swipe card security systems, because then you can dish out more than one card to people and you know that they can get in and out securely.
  2. Film It. If you experience someone trying to make their way into your office, you need to prove it. The way to do that is to budget for CCTV camera installation so that you can capture the image of anyone trying to break in. There is an increased need for CCTV with businesses, so you shouldn’t be the only one who doesn’t have it.
  3. Label It. Office equipment that you have budgeted and paid for - even down to the chairs and desks - needs to be labelled. You should buy a label maker from your chosen office supply company and ensure that everything has your business name and telephone number on it.
  4. ID Badges. Security doesn’t just extend to the four walls of your office. You need to ensure that you are letting in the right people at the right time, and the best way to do that is to ensure that everyone has a lanyard with an ID card attached. Visitor badges can be bought and created by your admin team.
  5. A Bit Alarming. If you’re adding cameras, security locks and badges, you need a way to know whether someone still tries to trespass on your business without you knowing. Alarm systems are very technical, with some triggering silent alarms to the police and others letting off huge amounts of noise to frighten off the assailant. Choose your alarm system wisely.
  6. Emergency Planning. You need an emergency back up for your security. If you realise that something is missing from your office after some time away, you need to have a way to ensure your business processes are not interrupted because of it.
  7. Passwords. Every business computer should have a case sensitive password attached that is changed frequently. This is the best way to ensure that if you suffer a theft of equipment, someone cannot access the machine rendering it useless.

Office security isn't a joke and should be taken seriously by all involved in your workplace

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