IoT Technology Revolutionising the Way We Live

8 Sept 2022, 4:33 am GMT+1

The most powerful engine of progress is laziness! Thanks to it, multicooker, robotic vacuum cleaners, and automatic dishwashers appeared, which have long taken over household chores. However, these inventions are not autonomous and cannot function without the participation of a person who must control the operation of equipment, buy, and replace consumables.

But what if Homo sapiens becomes an unnecessary link in the processes brought to automatism? These are the prospects for the development of the Internet of Things.

Internet of Things: what is it?

This is the concept of a computing network of physical objects (things) that interact with other devices or with the external environment using embedded technologies.

The Internet of Things

is a fully automated cycle of devices and systems by connecting them to a wireless network.

The concept of the Internet of Things assumes a machine-to-machine interaction with minimal human participation.

Where is the Internet of Things used?

- Safety. The introduction ofIoT technology into the security system will allow scanning and sending photo and video data, and artificial intelligence will be able to remember and recognize people.

- Household. TV, refrigerator, printer, and the entire smart home system can be brought to full automation. With the IoT connection, a person will get rid of obsessive thoughts (did he forget to close the door or turn off the stove) - all information can be seen in the smartphone and remotely run the unfinished algorithm. A "smart" vacuum cleaner will notify you of the found gold earring, which rolled behind the chair.

- Industry. Production will become automated: monitoring systems will notify about possible problems and malfunctions of equipment, and the client will be able to fulfill the order remotely.

- Medicine. The Internet of Things is needed to personalize devices that help study and monitor a person's vital signs, and, if necessary, call a doctor.

- Transport. There will be no traffic jams in the world of the Internet of Things - the network of sensors and sensors recognizes the congestion and optimizes the operation of transport channels.

- Retail trade. Conventional stores will once again compete with online boutiques - automatic transmission and analysis of customer information through a POS terminal will be established.

VPN as a solution to the IoT security problem.

The scope of the Internet of Things is limitless: remote control of smart homes, traffic lights, lighting systems for cities and highways, vehicles without the participation of people, in the end, even pacemakers!

There is no doubt that in this new interconnected world of things and people, the danger of hacking, the introduction of malware, and the loss of confidentiality of personal data increases.

With the invention of the Internet of Things, the amount of data for transmission and storage has multiplied. Moreover, every time one device connects to another to receive or transmit data, there is a risk of losing information and hacking the system, which entails the possibility of identity theft.

There are other issues related to the security of the Internet of Things. For example, when you buy used devices in order to save money, remember that by connecting them to your network, you are very at risk, because they may contain malicious software. Fortunately, there are already solutions to this problem.

To avoid unnecessary hassle or problems, you just need to set up a network for the personal use of devices and routers using a VPN for IoT (here you can learn more about

what VPN is and how it works


VPN uses several different protocols, including top-layer encryption, to provide an end-to-end secure connection from point to point. It also masks the user's IP address by rerouting traffic through a network of dedicated servers, so that the user can hide their location, ensure data privacy, and defend against attack.

The future of the Internet of Things.

The idea of the Internet of Things

was brought up by Kevin Ashton in 1990

. The scientist first formulated the term for the introduction of radio frequency tags, the signal of which would cover vast territories. Then the Center for Automatic Identification for the Study of Radio Frequency Identification appeared - this was the beginning of the development of the system.

In 2008, there was a transition from the Internet of people to the Internet of things: more than 6 billion devices with access to the Internet appeared.

Today, less than 1 % of devices worldwide are connected to the Internet of Things, but over time, the number of gadgets will become more and more significant.

It is still difficult to say what the Internet of Things will be like in a dozen years, but there is no doubt that the use of the innovative algorithm will be actively used in the service market and will lead to an increase in the quality of life in all countries of the world, open up promising business opportunities and generally bring a lot of benefits.

Experts predict that by the end of 2021, about 30 billion devices will be used on the Internet of Things, including at least 280 million cars. In addition to household and industrial appliances and vehicles, there will be about 15 million copies of "smart" clothing with access to the World Wide Web.

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