Alastair Moore

UCL PhD computer scientist with 10 years of experience in AI/ML, UX design, marketplaces, mobile and early-stage tech innovation.
Alastair Moore
London, United Kingdom
AI & Web3, Educator, Entrepreneur, Investor
Founding Partner of The Building Blocks
PhD in Computer Science from UCL (University College London) London Business School Electives, Entrepreneurship and Management 2007 - 2008 The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) MSc, Mathematical Logic and Scientific Method 2002 - 2003
Social Media

Alastair Moore is a senior AI executive, entrepreneur, educator, and investor. He has a PhD in machine learning and over 15 years of experience in AI/ML (Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning) and tech innovation. Alastair is actively involved in building web3 (Web 3.0) companies, which refers to the next generation of the internet focused on decentralized protocols and applications.

He was part of the founding team of AI spin-out Satalia.com, which was acquired by WPP in 2021. He also co-founded Wearepopup.com. Alastair maintains an active teaching role at both University College London (UCL) and PKU HSBC School of Management. Additionally, he serves on the board of the ConceptionX.org venture scientist program.

Alastair has been involved in supporting innovation in the Faculty of Engineering Sciences at UCL and is interested in creating value from science and establishing relationships between commercial partners and academia.


Alastair Moore is a renowned computer scientist and educator, known for his expertise in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and user experience (UX) design. With a strong background in academia and industry, he has made significant contributions to the advancement of technology and entrepreneurship.

Alastair's academic journey began at UCL (University College London), where he pursued a PhD in computer science. His research and studies focused on cutting-edge areas such as AI, ML, and UX design, positioning him at the forefront of technological innovation. His deep understanding of these domains, combined with his passion for early-stage tech innovation, set the stage for a remarkable career.

During his tenure as a PhD student, Alastair was instrumental in establishing Satalia.com, a pioneering AI spin-out from UCL. Satalia.com quickly gained recognition and prominence in the industry and was ultimately acquired by WPP, a leading global communications company. This achievement showcased Alastair's ability to translate research and academic expertise into real-world applications.

In addition to his involvement with Satalia.com, Alastair played a key role in the growth of Wearepopup.com, a venture-backed startup. With his multidisciplinary skill set encompassing AI, ML, UX design, and marketplaces, he contributed to the success and expansion of the company. These experiences in the startup ecosystem provided him with invaluable insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by early-stage tech companies.

Alastair's affiliation with UCL has been profound and enduring. He actively participated in the creation of The Mobile Academy, an initiative aimed at fostering innovation and entrepreneurial skills in the mobile technology sector. Furthermore, he contributed to the establishment of IDEALondon, an innovation centre situated at the heart of TechCity. Collaborating with industry giants Cisco and DC Thomson, Alastair played a pivotal role in the development and growth of IDEALondon, providing startups with the necessary support and resources to thrive.

Recognized for his expertise and contributions to the field, Alastair was invited to join the Special Group for Entrepreneurship within the British Computer Society. This membership allowed him to engage with like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and contribute to the development of entrepreneurship within the technology sector.

With a strong commitment to mentoring and supporting aspiring entrepreneurs, Alastair has been involved with various organizations and programs. He provided guidance and mentorship at renowned institutions such as the Wayra Academy, Springboard Mobile (now Techstars London), and Startupbootcamp IoT. Through these initiatives, he shared his knowledge and experience, helping to shape the next generation of tech innovators.

Alastair's recent endeavours have revolved around designing and administering innovation and startup support programs. His affiliation with the UCL Centre for Entrepreneurship allowed him to spearhead initiatives focused on leveraging technology for business model innovation in 5G networked environments. He also facilitated a scale-up support program, providing SMEs with crucial expertise in big data and analytics. Moreover, he delved into the commercialization of smart city platforms, utilizing Semantic Web technology to create impactful solutions for urban environments.


Alastair Moore's vision encompasses the intersection of technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship, with a focus on creating meaningful and transformative solutions that have a positive impact on society. His vision is driven by a deep belief in the power of technology to address complex challenges and shape a better future.

One key aspect of Alastair's vision is the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning into various domains. He envisions AI and ML as powerful tools that can revolutionize industries, improve efficiency, and unlock new possibilities. By leveraging these technologies, Alastair aims to drive innovation and create intelligent systems that enhance decision-making, automate processes, and augment human capabilities.

Another crucial element of Alastair's vision is the emphasis on user experience design. He recognizes that technology should be intuitive, user-friendly, and tailored to human needs. By prioritizing UX design, he seeks to bridge the gap between advanced technologies and user adoption, ensuring that technological solutions are accessible and engaging, and enhance people's lives.

Alastair's vision extends beyond technological advancements alone. He is a strong advocate for entrepreneurship and the startup ecosystem. His belief in the power of startups to drive economic growth, create jobs, and foster innovation has led him to actively support and mentor aspiring entrepreneurs. He envisions a vibrant entrepreneurial landscape where individuals are empowered to turn their ideas into successful ventures, supported by a strong network, resources, and mentorship.

Recognition and Awards
Volunteer at Cystic Fibrosis TrustCystic Fibrosis Trust for 12 years and currently
Alastair Moore
London, United Kingdom
AI & Web3, Educator, Entrepreneur, Investor
Founding Partner of The Building Blocks
PhD in Computer Science from UCL (University College London) London Business School Electives, Entrepreneurship and Management 2007 - 2008 The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) MSc, Mathematical Logic and Scientific Method 2002 - 2003
Social Media