Altava Group

The luxury fashion metaverse company that was founded in 2018, headquartered in Singapore with offices in Seoul, Tokyo, London, and Paris.


Altava Group
Leadership team

Andrew_Ku (Founder / CEO)

Elizabeth von Guttman (Co-Founder / Chief Communication Officer)

Natalia Vodianova (Board Director / Investor)

Sebastien Borget (Strategic Advisor / Investor)

Wei Zhou (Strategic Advisor / Investor)

Debra Langley (Strategic Advisor)

Yong Bae Seok (Strategic Advisor)



Number of Employees
0 - 50
Social Media

ALTAVA GROUP is a company based in Singapore that has established a strong presence in South Korea. ALTAVA is the luxury fashion metaverse that enables users to discover, interact, and express themselves through a high-fidelity avatar.

The company bridges the physical and virtual worlds, connecting Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 experiences. ALTAVA Worlds of You, ALTAVA MARKET, And ALTAVA for Business are its three distinctive lines of business. 

ALTAVA Worlds of You is a social commerce platform gamified to support luxury fashion, that offers multiple ways to express oneself in the metaverse through discovery, curation, and play. 

In a recent interview with Dinis Guarda, founder and CEO, Andrew Ku said:

“This is the most graphically advanced and sophisticated project out there. We are the only metaverse company who can represent brand products as is, without sacrificing its shape, colour, even the physics, the movements.”

ALTAVA MARKET is an extension of ALTAVA Worlds of You where consumers can purchase, curate and accumulate unique expressions of self in the form of NFTs for use in the metaverse. Altava has launched numerous NFT projects in collaboration with luxury brands including Balmain Paris, Burberry London, Vogue, Fendi, and many more. The company also recently launched its latest NFT project, Bored Apes Golf Club, in collaboration with the original holders, Bored Ape Yacht Club.

ALTAVA for Business is a B2B line of business where the company provides solution and technology to the brands. 

“We build virtual pop up stores for brands, NFT projects, metaverse and integrate brand experience into other metaverse as well. So, anything that realtes directly with your brand, it falls under Altava for business”, says Andrew.

TAVA tokens are the base currency of ALTAVA Eco-system including NFT Market and Altava: Worlds of You. TAVA tokens serve as a ticket for access to exclusive NFTs and other curated virtual assets, special auctions and unique experiences built in collaboration with relevant luxury houses, designers and creators across disciplines.


ALTAVA Group was founded by pioneering online game innovators and fashion industry specialists in 2018 to apply interactive, social, and gamification concepts to fashion, entertainment, and commerce. 

Telling the story of the company's foundation, Andrew said:

"We started the Altava Group in 2018, way before the NFTs and metaverse became mainstream. Luxury brands are always the last in terms of adapting newest technological trends. It wasn't easy to describe what the virtual world concept is. 
We demonstrated to our clients that we are not just a concept company, we have full technology from my previous M-Star experience, the best avatar technology, and managing virtual fashion as a business model. 

In 2019, when the brands were interested, Gen Z the most, changes the spaces where they were spending most of their time: in games, and in the metaverse. So, if brands want to reach Gen Z, the metaverse is the platform they will have to get into. We also explained that virtual fashion is the potential business model, this is the sustainable model.

Balmain Paris was our first client who took the leap. Once one brand joined, it was easier to bring in the other brands and we started building very unique and specific use cases. 

When COVID-19 hit in 2020, all this accelerated. The brands wanted to duplicate these experiences virtually. The brands adapted themselves to the metaverse, digital fashion.

In 2021, the tsunami of NFTs and the metaverse hit, and Altava happened to be at the right place and at the right time, already doing things that most startups were about to start. We already ahd the references, the cases built, and demonstrated technology. So, what built up one by one accelerated due to COVID."


The company's mission is to create bespoke brand experiences that enrich the evolving world of self-expression in both physical and virtual domains. They aim to build a seamless bridge between consumers and brands, leveraging technology to offer innovative and immersive experiences that enable multiple expressions of self in the metaverse and beyond.

Specifically, Altava Group has created Altava Worlds of You, a social commerce platform for luxury fashion that gamifies the shopping experience and allows users to discover, curate, and play with different expressions of self in the metaverse. Altava Market is an extension of Altava Worlds of You, where consumers can shop for unique expressions of self in the form of NFTs.


Altava defines the next business model in terms of creating new efficiency, rebuilding distribution methods, re-establishing the relationship between brands and customers. Sharing his vision of the Altava marketplace, Andrew told Dinis:

“We are looking forward towards a far-fetched marketplace in the Web 3.0. The next few years will not be the traditional eCommerce-driven models, which rely heavily on transactions only. We are currently at the crossroad of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, but it will be the new hybrid model along the road, as Web 2.0 will still be very much relevant. We will be the first category definer for this new eComerce era model, which is a users' playground where they can create and sell their own goods while consuming the others'. Users will not only be able to spend money but also earn money through digital currency. We call this Commerce 3.0, and Altava will be the first Commerce 3.0 company.”

Key Team

Andrew_Ku (Founder / CEO)

Elizabeth von Guttman (Co-Founder / Chief Communication Officer)

Jack Lee (Chief Innovation Officer)

Chiara Scaglia (Chief Business Officer)

Jas Rewkiewicz (Chief Creative Officer)

Oh Thongsrinoon (Chief Marketing Officer)

Jin Young Choi (Chief Technology Officer)

Recognition and Awards
ALTAVA is a leader in partnering with luxury brands. The company is currently working with more than 40 luxury brands including Balmain, Bulgari, Chloe, Marni, and Prada, for whom it develops, maintains and sell their licensed virtual assets through its digital platforms. There are continuous strategic partnerships for wearability and interoperability of digital fashion NFTs, including SandBox, exclusible, Red, and Wear.
Products and Services

ALTAVA Worlds of You: It is a fashion-focussed metaverse that democratises the luxury experience, making it available virtually through the ALTAVA metaverse.

"In the Web 2.0 era, the product/shopping experience is more focussed on D2C model: Direct to Consumer. But now, with the metaverse, especially our Altava metaverse, we'd like to shift that to D2A experience: Direct to Avatar. Going forward, we are making a bet that for younger generations, the first product experience will happen in the metaverse through their avatars.
ALTAVA Worlds of You wants to be the de-facto metaverse product project for all brands, especially luxury brands, where we create the full built-in brand experience within our metaverse as well as a direct link to the brand's eCommerce. So, not only users can purchase digital goods here, but they can also purchase physical ones. And this is all through the gamification layer that we put in so that there are a lot of fun factors. At the same time, this is based on the tokenised economy. Altava has its own token called Tava. Users can play games. We launch sometimes digital campaigns in collaboration with brands. There are a lot of opportunities that users can earn our tokens, that you can also spend tokens to buy virtual goods. But going forward into the future, we want to have access where people can buy physical goods as well as the tokens they earn in the metaverse. So, it's very close to the real experience."

ALTAVA Marketplace: The company offers both the physical goods as NFTs as well as its digital twin to be available with it, all paired and combined together. 

The NFT is the key to ensuring interoperability across multiple metaverse platforms. Further, it also ensures a sustainable business model for fashion brands.

The intrinsic token, TAVA, provides a seamless payment option that carries value both in the digital space and the real physical world. 

“We top this with a 3D experience with your avatar. AR and VR are not critical components, they are just tools and we will utilise them in the maximum sense. All this new technology will evolve and come up and we just have to adapt and utilise them. It's more about providing the true value to our users, and that's what's more important about the next shopping experience”, says Andrew.

Altava Group
Leadership team

Andrew_Ku (Founder / CEO)

Elizabeth von Guttman (Co-Founder / Chief Communication Officer)

Natalia Vodianova (Board Director / Investor)

Sebastien Borget (Strategic Advisor / Investor)

Wei Zhou (Strategic Advisor / Investor)

Debra Langley (Strategic Advisor)

Yong Bae Seok (Strategic Advisor)



Number of Employees
0 - 50
Social Media