Art Kleiner

Art Kleiner is a versatile writer, editor, entrepreneur, and faculty member at the New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program.
Art Kleiner
New York, USA
Entrepreneur, management thinker, author, editor, faculty member
Known for
The AI Dilemma: 7 Principles for Responsible Technology (Author), PwC Global (Editor-in-Chief)
MarCom Gold (Print Creativity, Feature Article, Optimism and Trust on the CEO’s Mind, 2018), Outstanding Service to the Global Community Award (2016, International Management Division, Academy of Management, ASBPE Silver National (E-Book, 20 Questions for Business Leaders, 2016), ASBPE Gold National (E-Book for The Executive Guide to Strategy, 2014), Forbes Top 25 Websites for CEOs (2012)
BA (English, Mass Media, University at Albany, SUNY), MJ (Journalism, University of California, Berkeley)
Social Media

Art is an entrepreneur and management thinker who helps leaders build trust, scenario plan and responsibly leverage AI technology. Besides this, his expertise spans human behaviour, organisational learning, the future of work, and neuroscience of leadership. He commissioned and published the first major article on neuroleadership, “The Neuroscience of Leadership” by Jeffrey Schwartz and David Rock.

Art is the Principal and Editor-in-Chief at Kleiner Powell International. He recently co-authored "The AI Dilemma: 7 Principles for Responsible Technology" (Aug 2023) with Juliette Powell.

With a journalism master's from UC Berkeley, Kleiner is part of the Marshall Goldsmith 100 Coaches group. He's a faculty member at the New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program, part of the School of the Arts, where he taught the future of new media. 


Art Kleiner is a seasoned writer, editor, and thought leader with a rich and diverse career spanning several decades. Born in 1949, he has made significant contributions to the fields of business, strategy, and thought leadership.

Kleiner's career began in the early 1980s when he served as an Editor and Research Editor for the iconic Whole Earth Catalog/CoEvolution Quarterly. This experience laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the publishing world.

Throughout his career, Art Kleiner has authored and co-authored numerous books and articles, showcasing his expertise in business and management. Some of his notable works include "The Age of Heretics," "Who Really Matters," and "The Wise Advocate," the latter co-authored with Jeffrey Schwartz and Josie Thomson.

Kleiner's impact extends beyond writing as he has played pivotal roles in the editorial domain. He served as the Editor-in-Chief of strategy+business, a prominent management magazine, from April 2005 to January 2020. During his tenure, the magazine experienced significant growth in circulation and earned recognition for its editorial and design excellence.

In addition to his editorial roles, Art Kleiner has been actively involved in academia. He served as an Adjunct Assistant Professor at New York University, where he taught courses at the intersection of media, technology, and ethics.

Furthermore, his work as a Business Book Editorial Consultant and Ghostwriter has been instrumental in helping renowned authors shape some of the world's most successful and compelling business books.

Art Kleiner's illustrious career also includes roles at organizations like PwC Global, where he oversaw editorial activity and thought leadership. His contributions have left an indelible mark on the world of business and thought leadership, making him a respected figure in the field.

Published Work

Art Kleiner is a writer, editor and entrepreneur whose work addresses today’s business and technological challenges. His most recent book, co-authored with Juliette Powell, is “The AI Dilemma: 7 Principles for Responsible Technology” (August 2023). He writes, speaks and consults on topics related to responsible AI and human behavior, organizational learning, the future of work, scenario planning, and the neuroscience of leadership. He is also one of the world’s leading consulting editors in business, a faculty member at New York University and editor-in-chief at the content strategy firm Kleiner Powell International [KPI]. 
Kleiner began his career at the Whole Earth Catalog and was editorial director of the best- selling “Fifth Discipline Fieldbook” series with Peter Senge et al. As editor-in-chief of the award- winning management magazine strategy+business, Kleiner published many influential thinkers and business leaders, and became a managing director at PwC.

His previous books include “The Age of Heretics: A History of the Radical Thinkers Who Reinvented Corporate Management” (1996/2018), which describes the hidden history of business innovation. His book “Who Really Matters: The Core Group Theory of Power, Privilege and Success” (2003) was praised by Jim Collins and Marc Andreesen for its exposure of the underlying clan dynamics that drive company decision-making. His book “The Wise Advocate: The Inner Voice of Strategic Leadership” (2019), explains the neuroscience underlying long- term decision making.


Art Kleiner's vision centers around the power of thought leadership and the profound impact it can have on organizations and individuals. He believes that every organization is unique and possesses the potential to make a meaningful difference in the world. Kleiner's vision is to facilitate and amplify this impact by helping organizations clarify their thinking, communicate effectively, and bring their distinctive strengths and insights to light. He recognizes that in an increasingly complex and interconnected world, thought leadership is a potent force for positive change, and he is dedicated to nurturing and harnessing it.

Moreover, Art Kleiner envisions a future where the boundaries between media, technology, and ethics are explored and understood more deeply. He sees the potential for these interdisciplinary intersections to shape the way we navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital age. Through his teaching at New York University and his extensive body of work, Kleiner strives to empower individuals to think critically and make ethically informed decisions in an era where technology and media are integral to our daily lives. His vision is to inspire the next generation of leaders to embrace the complexities of our interconnected world, fostering a sense of responsibility, innovation, and ethical leadership.

Recognition and Awards
Since 1986, he has taught in New York University's Interactive Telecommunications Program (the "academic home" for New York's "Silicon Alley"). He has consulted to BP, the International Finance Corp., Royal Dutch/Shell Group Planning, the Arizona Republic newspaper, Excite Europe, AmeriTrade, the LensCrafters retail chain, Global Business Network, the Canadian Energy Research Institute, and many educational organizations. He has conducted editorial consultations for Pete Senge, Peter Schwartz, Noel Tichy, Harriet Rubin, Mitch Kapor, Arie de Geus, and Kenichi Ohmae; he has been described by journalist Stuart Crainer as one of the top three business ghostwriters. Art's own articles have appeared in the New York Times Magazine, 7 Days, Wired, Tikkun, Discover, Popular Science, Across the Board, Grolier's Encyclopedia, Marketing Week, and a variety of computer and telecommunications magazines. A former editor of the Whole Earth Catalog and a longstanding expert on computer conferencing, Kleiner has been writing about telecommunications and computer technology for the general public since 1979. He was involved with the development of the Electronic Information Exchange System (EIES), WELL, and ECHO computer conferencing systems.
Art Kleiner
New York, USA
Entrepreneur, management thinker, author, editor, faculty member
Known for
The AI Dilemma: 7 Principles for Responsible Technology (Author), PwC Global (Editor-in-Chief)
MarCom Gold (Print Creativity, Feature Article, Optimism and Trust on the CEO’s Mind, 2018), Outstanding Service to the Global Community Award (2016, International Management Division, Academy of Management, ASBPE Silver National (E-Book, 20 Questions for Business Leaders, 2016), ASBPE Gold National (E-Book for The Executive Guide to Strategy, 2014), Forbes Top 25 Websites for CEOs (2012)
BA (English, Mass Media, University at Albany, SUNY), MJ (Journalism, University of California, Berkeley)
Social Media