
A complete open platform for building powerful 3D geospatial applications.


Leadership team

Patrick Cozzi (CEO)

Candace Galiffa (CFO)

Yonathan Anatolii Ast (COO )

Jason Bodewitz (Chief of Staff)

Yonathan Anatolii Ast (COO )



Products/ Services
CesiumJS, 3D maps and virtual globes, 3D maps and virtual globes
400 Market Street Suite 1100 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Social Media

Cesium is a cutting-edge geospatial technology company that specializes in the development of open-source software and solutions for visualizing and analyzing 3D geospatial data. The company was founded in 2011 and has quickly become a leader in the geospatial industry, providing innovative tools for developers, data providers, and end-users.

At the core of Cesium's offerings is the CesiumJS platform, a WebGL-based JavaScript library that enables the creation of interactive 3D maps and virtual globes in a web browser. CesiumJS allows users to visualize geospatial data in high-resolution 3D, providing an immersive and dynamic experience for exploring and understanding geospatial information.

Cesium also offers a range of complementary products and services to enhance the capabilities of CesiumJS. These include Cesium ion, a cloud-based platform for hosting, streaming, and optimizing 3D content, and Cesium Stories, a tool for creating interactive narratives and presentations using geospatial data.

The applications of Cesium's technology are diverse and span various industries, including aerospace, defense, architecture, engineering, and construction. It is used for applications such as urban planning, virtual and augmented reality experiences, precision agriculture, environmental monitoring, and simulation and training.

One notable aspect of Cesium is its commitment to open-source development. The company actively contributes to open-source projects, including the development of the 3D Tiles specification, an open standard for streaming massive heterogeneous 3D geospatial datasets.

With its powerful and versatile geospatial visualization tools, Cesium has established itself as a leading provider of 3D mapping and analysis solutions. Its technology is leveraged by organizations around the world to unlock the full potential of geospatial data and create immersive and interactive experiences.


Cesium was founded in 2011 by Patrick Cozzi and Sean Lilley. The company emerged with a vision to revolutionize the way geospatial data is visualized and analyzed by leveraging the power of 3D technology. The founders recognized the potential of WebGL, a web-based graphics library, and saw an opportunity to create a cutting-edge platform for interactive 3D mapping.

In its early years, Cesium focused on the development of CesiumJS, an open-source JavaScript library that allows developers to create 3D maps and virtual globes in a web browser. The library quickly gained popularity within the geospatial community, attracting users from various industries and establishing Cesium as a leading provider of 3D geospatial visualization tools.

Cesium's commitment to open-source development and collaboration became a defining characteristic of the company. They actively contributed to open-source projects, such as the development of the 3D Tiles specification, which enabled the streaming of massive 3D geospatial datasets. This dedication to open-source principles fostered a vibrant community of developers and users who contributed to the growth and improvement of Cesium's products.

As Cesium gained traction, the company expanded its offerings to include additional products and services. In 2017, they launched Cesium ion, a cloud-based platform that simplified the hosting, streaming, and optimization of 3D geospatial data. Cesium ion made it easier for organizations to incorporate 3D mapping into their applications without the need for extensive infrastructure.

In 2019, Cesium introduced Cesium Stories, a tool that allowed users to create interactive narratives and presentations using geospatial data. This product enabled the combination of multimedia elements with 3D maps, enhancing the storytelling capabilities and communication of geospatial information.

Over the years, Cesium's technology has been adopted by a wide range of industries and organizations worldwide. It has been used for diverse applications, including urban planning, defense simulations, virtual and augmented reality experiences, precision agriculture, and more.

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Cesium continues to be at the forefront of geospatial innovation, pushing the boundaries of what is possible with 3D mapping and analysis. The company's dedication to open-source development, coupled with its commitment to providing powerful and user-friendly solutions, has solidified Cesium's position as a leading geospatial technology company


Cesium's mission is to empower individuals and organizations to unlock the full potential of geospatial data through innovative 3D visualization and analysis tools. They strive to provide cutting-edge solutions that enable users to understand, communicate, and make informed decisions based on geospatial information.

With a focus on open-source development and collaboration, Cesium aims to foster a community of developers, data providers, and end-users who contribute to the advancement of geospatial technology. They believe in the power of open standards and interoperability to drive innovation and create a more accessible and inclusive geospatial ecosystem.


Cesium's vision is to revolutionize the way people interact with and understand geospatial data. They envision a future where 3D visualization and analysis tools are seamlessly integrated into everyday life, empowering individuals and organizations to make better decisions, solve complex problems, and create immersive experiences.

Cesium envisions a world where geospatial information is not only accessible but also presented in a visually compelling and interactive manner. They believe that 3D technology has the power to transform how we perceive and interpret geographic data, enabling deeper insights and a more intuitive understanding of complex spatial relationships.

Key Team

Patrick Cozzi (CEO)

Candace Galiffa (CFO)

Products and Services

Cesium offers a range of products and services that cater to the diverse needs of geospatial visualization and analysis. These offerings empower individuals and organizations to leverage the power of 3D technology and geospatial data in various industries and applications.

CesiumJS: Cesium's flagship product is CesiumJS, an open-source JavaScript library that enables the creation of interactive 3D maps and virtual globes in a web browser. It provides developers with the tools and capabilities to visualize geospatial data in high-resolution 3D, allowing for immersive exploration and analysis. CesiumJS supports a wide range of data formats and offers features like terrain rendering, entity visualization, and time-dynamic visualization.

Cesium ion: Cesium ion is a cloud-based platform that simplifies the hosting, streaming, and optimization of 3D geospatial content. It offers a scalable and efficient solution for managing and delivering large volumes of 3D data. Cesium ion takes care of the complexities of data storage and distribution, allowing developers to focus on building applications that leverage 3D mapping capabilities.

Cesium Stories: Cesium Stories is a tool that enables the creation of interactive narratives and presentations using geospatial data. It allows users to combine multimedia elements such as images, videos, and annotations with 3D maps, creating compelling visual stories. Cesium Stories enhances the communication and storytelling capabilities of geospatial information, making it easier to convey complex concepts and engage audiences.

Leadership team

Patrick Cozzi (CEO)

Candace Galiffa (CFO)

Yonathan Anatolii Ast (COO )

Jason Bodewitz (Chief of Staff)

Yonathan Anatolii Ast (COO )



Products/ Services
CesiumJS, 3D maps and virtual globes, 3D maps and virtual globes
400 Market Street Suite 1100 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Social Media