China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR)

The China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) is a think tank based in Beijing, China.
China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR)
Leadership team

Yuan Peng (President)

Beijing, China
Region served
Year stablished
Beijing, China

The China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) is a think tank based in Beijing, China. Founded in 1980, it is affiliated with China's Ministry of State Security and operates under the guidance of the Chinese Communist Party's Central Committee.

CICIR's primary focus is on international relations and foreign policy, with a particular emphasis on China's relationships with other countries. Its research covers a wide range of topics, including security, economics, politics, and culture.

CICIR is known for producing analysis and recommendations that are closely aligned with the Chinese government's positions and policies. It has been described as a key institution in China's foreign policy-making apparatus, and its reports and publications are closely monitored by both domestic and international observers.

In recent years, CICIR has expanded its operations and outreach efforts, establishing partnerships with a number of foreign think tanks and academic institutions. It has also launched several initiatives aimed at increasing its influence in the international community, including the establishment of a think tank network called the China-Global Think Tank Forum.

Despite its growing prominence, CICIR has also faced criticism over its close ties to the Chinese government and its alleged involvement in espionage activities. Some observers have accused the organization of using its research and outreach activities to advance China's strategic interests and exert influence over foreign governments and institutions.


The China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) was founded in 1980 in Beijing, China, as a government-affiliated think tank. It was established in response to the growing need for China to develop a more sophisticated understanding of international affairs and to provide policy recommendations to the Chinese government.

Initially, CICIR focused on conducting research on the political and economic systems of Western countries and their implications for China's own development. In the early 1980s, it expanded its research areas to include global security issues and China's relations with neighboring countries in Asia.

Over the years, CICIR has grown into one of China's most influential think tanks, with a staff of over 400 researchers and analysts. Its research covers a wide range of topics, including security, economics, politics, and culture, and it has become a key source of policy recommendations for the Chinese government.

CICIR's close ties to the Chinese government have been a key factor in its success. The organization is affiliated with China's Ministry of State Security and operates under the guidance of the Chinese Communist Party's Central Committee. Its research and policy recommendations are closely aligned with the Chinese government's positions and policies.

In recent years, CICIR has expanded its operations and outreach efforts, establishing partnerships with a number of foreign think tanks and academic institutions. It has also launched several initiatives aimed at increasing its influence in the international community, including the establishment of the China-Global Think Tank Forum.

Goals and Purpose

The China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) has several goals and purposes, including:

- Providing policy recommendations to the Chinese government: CICIR's primary purpose is to provide the Chinese government with research-based analysis and policy recommendations on issues related to international relations and foreign policy. Its research covers a wide range of topics, including security, economics, politics, and culture.

- Advancing China's interests on the global stage: CICIR is committed to advancing China's interests in the international community by providing the Chinese government with information and recommendations on global issues. Its research and outreach activities are designed to promote China's strategic objectives and influence global public opinion.

- Supporting China's diplomatic efforts: CICIR works closely with China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other government agencies to support China's diplomatic efforts. It provides research and analysis to help Chinese diplomats better understand global issues and develop effective strategies for engaging with foreign governments and international organizations.

- Promoting academic exchanges and cooperation: CICIR is committed to promoting academic exchanges and cooperation between Chinese scholars and their counterparts abroad. It has established partnerships with a number of foreign think tanks and academic institutions and participates in international academic conferences and seminars.

- Contributing to global knowledge: CICIR seeks to contribute to global knowledge on issues related to international relations and foreign policy. It publishes research reports, academic articles, and books, and its researchers are frequently invited to speak at international conferences and seminars.


The China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) has had several impacts on China's foreign policy and the global community, including:

- Influence on Chinese foreign policy: CICIR's research and policy recommendations have had a significant impact on China's foreign policy. Its close ties to the Chinese government have made it a key institution in China's foreign policy-making apparatus. Its research and analysis are closely aligned with the Chinese government's positions and policies, and its recommendations are often incorporated into China's diplomatic initiatives and negotiations.

- Advancement of China's interests: CICIR's research and outreach activities have contributed to the advancement of China's interests on the global stage. Its analysis and recommendations have helped to shape global public opinion and to promote China's strategic objectives. Its partnerships with foreign think tanks and academic institutions have also facilitated greater international engagement and cooperation.

- Contribution to global knowledge: CICIR's research reports, academic articles, and books have contributed to global knowledge on issues related to international relations and foreign policy. Its researchers are often invited to speak at international conferences and seminars, which helps to promote greater understanding and cooperation between China and the international community.

- Accusations of espionage: CICIR has been accused of using its research and outreach activities to engage in espionage activities on behalf of the Chinese government. Some observers have raised concerns about the organization's close ties to China's Ministry of State Security and its alleged involvement in hacking and other cyber attacks.

China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR)
Leadership team

Yuan Peng (President)

Beijing, China
Region served
Year stablished
Beijing, China