Christopher Hirst

Christopher Hirst is the Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director at Palladium.
Christopher Hirst
Corporate strategist, social impact expert, advisor, business executive
University of Newcastle, B.App Science (Systemic Agriculture, Western Sydney Unievrsity)
Social Media

Christopher Hirst is the Managing Director and CEO of Palladium, a position he has held for over 20 years. He has a strong commitment to social change and driving the growth of the company's impact. Before his current role, he served as the Managing Director of Strategy and Corporate Development, where he led the identification, analysis, and capture of new global business opportunities, mergers and acquisitions, and impact investing asset management and advisory services.

Christopher also oversaw Palladium's Middle East division for nine years and served as the CEO and Board Director of the Abu Dhabi Government's Farmers Service Centre (ADFSC) for four years. Additionally, he held senior management positions in various projects worldwide, including Australia, the United States, Zimbabwe, and Papua New Guinea.

As the CEO of Palladium, Christopher is passionate about creating a positive impact while creating value for the company and clients. He leads the organization's business and performance strategy, including identifying, developing, and incubating new businesses, with a focus on impact investment and network firms, and managing Palladium's Corporate Social Responsibility portfolio. Hirst is also a committee member of the Australian Business Council Dubai and was the Manager of Effective Development Group for two years.


Christopher is a graduate in Science Applications, specialising in Systemic Agriculture from the Western Sydney University. He served as the Manager of Effective Development Group from 2003 to 2005.

In 2009, he joined the Farmers' Services Centre, Abu Dhabi as the Board Member of the project. 

Christopher joined Palladium, a global impact firm that works with governments, businesses, and investors to link social progress and commercial growth, in 1999, and since has been associated with it to make significant impact on the world and society.

Since October 2018, he is the CEO of the Palladium Group, succeeding Kim Bredhauer, who had served the CEO since 2000 and is currently the Managing Director of the Palladium Group.

As the CEO, Christopher was responsible for identifying, analysing, and capturing new business opportunities globally, including mergers and acquisitions and impact investing asset management and advisory services. He also oversees Palladium's Corporate Social Responsibility portfolio and was a key decision maker in the company's global leadership team.

During his time at Palladium, Christopher has held various senior management positions in several countries, including Australia, the United States, Zimbabwe, Papua New Guinea, and the Middle East. In the Middle East, he oversaw Palladium's division for nine years and was seconded as the Chief Executive Officer and Board Director of the Abu Dhabi Government's Farmers Service Centre for four years. He was responsible for developing and implementing the company's business and performance strategy and played a critical role in expanding Palladium's impact in the region.


As CEO of Palladium, he is focused on not only creating value for the company and its clients, but also on creating a positive social impact. His commitment to impact investing and corporate social responsibility demonstrate his desire to create a more sustainable and equitable future.

Christopher's experience overseeing Palladium's Middle East division and serving as CEO and Board Director of the Abu Dhabi Government's Farmers Service Centre demonstrate his commitment to working with governments and other stakeholders to achieve social and economic development. He believes in partnering with governments and other organisations to create sustainable solutions that benefit society as a whole.

Recognition and Awards
As Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, he has played a critical role in the growth and success of the company, working to expand its impact on a global scale. Under his leadership, Palladium, with a global network operating in over 90 countries, has continued to pursue its mission of creating positive social change while generating value for its clients. Christopher has been instrumental in identifying and pursuing new business opportunities, including mergers and acquisitions and impact investing asset management and advisory services. He has also overseen the development of Palladium's Corporate Social Responsibility portfolio, ensuring that the company remains committed to making a positive impact on the world.
Christopher Hirst
Corporate strategist, social impact expert, advisor, business executive
University of Newcastle, B.App Science (Systemic Agriculture, Western Sydney Unievrsity)
Social Media