Colorful Hopes Association

Carries out rights-based activities to ensure equal opportunities for children living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods, at risk, and exposed to discrimination
Colorful Hopes Association
Leadership team

Yeter Erel TUMA  (General Coordinator )

Necla KORKMAZ  (Monitoring and Documentation Coordinator )

Umut Ciwan AYTAS (Finance and Administrative Affairs Coordinator )

Alper YALÇIN  (Child Rights Academy Coordinator)

Diyarbakir, Turkey
Region served
Year stablished
Ziya Gökalp Mah. Lale Sokak No:14 21300 Sur / Diyarbak?r
Social Media

Colorful Hopes Association is a non-governmental organization based in Diyarbakir/Sur, founded by a group of activists who have worked in the field for many years on the basis of children's rights and freedoms. The organization aims to carry out rights-based activities to ensure equal opportunities for children living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods, at risk, and exposed to discrimination. The focus of their work is on children between the ages of 4-18 who were affected by conflicts in the Sur district of Diyarbakir.

The mission of the Colorful Hopes Association is to carry out protective and preventive activities against all kinds of neglect and abuse in the daily routine life of children, in times of crisis, including migration, conflict, and natural disasters. The organization aims to rebuild the culture of peace and work in line with the fundamental rights of children, namely the best interest, survival and development, participation and non-discrimination, together with children.

The association undertakes several duties and responsibilities to achieve its founding purposes and principles, including conducting post-traumatic therapeutic workshops and studies with social workers, sociologists, psychologists and child rights workers, organizing activities that will support the restoration of the social and cultural structure that has deteriorated due to the conflict environment, migration and similar social or natural events, conducting situation and needs assessment studies for target groups, organizing training in areas of need, supporting access to services in areas of need, carrying out preventive and remedial work with a rights-based method, monitoring, and advocating for rights.

The organization has, directly and indirectly, reached a total of 1000 children living in Suriçi through 80 events. The association has over 35 volunteers, in addition to representatives from many non-governmental organizations, who have expertise in various fields.


The Colorful Hopes Association was founded by a group of activists who have worked in the field of children's rights and freedoms for many years. It is a non-governmental organization based in Diyarbakir/Sur, Turkey, with the aim of carrying out rights-based activities to ensure equal opportunities for children living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods, at risk and exposed to discrimination.

The association focuses on children between the ages of 4-18 who were affected by the conflicts in the Sur district of Diyarbakir. It organizes socio-cultural and psychosocial studies in order to reduce the effects of traumas reflected in the daily lives of children in this age range. The Colorful Hopes Association undertakes duties and responsibilities in various areas such as conducting post-traumatic therapeutic workshops and studies, organizing activities that support the restoration of the social and cultural structure, conducting situation and needs assessment studies for target groups, organizing training in areas of need, supporting access to services in areas of need, carrying out preventive and remedial work with a rights-based method, monitoring and advocating for rights, and more.

The vision of the Colorful Hopes Association is to create a children's world where children live their childhood as children on the basis of children's rights, and where they can access and participate equally in all rights and services in peace. To achieve this, the association provides services in wider regions, develops alternative and applicable models in education, and is strong and sustainable with financial and human resources. The association aims to be an exemplary and pioneering RUMUD (a Turkish acronym that stands for "Rights-Based Civil Society Organizations") nationally and internationally.

The Colorful Hopes Association is guided by a set of principles and values such as being rights-based, treating everyone equally without discrimination, acting with the principle of governance and participation, improving each other through solidarity, observing the well-being of human resources, practising accountability and transparency, respecting the richness and use of each language, acting together with children in decisions and works, and observing the rights of all living and non-living beings.

The association has, directly and indirectly, reached a total of 1000 children living in Suriçi through 80 events, and has more than 35 volunteers who have expertise in various fields. The association also has bank accounts for donations in Turkish Lira and Euro, and its IBAN and Swift codes are provided.

Goals and Purpose

The Colorful Hopes Association is a non-governmental organization that aims to ensure equal opportunities for children living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods, at risk, and exposed to discrimination. Its main goals and purposes include:

  • Protecting and promoting children's rights: The Colorful Hopes Association focuses on the rights of children and aims to carry out rights-based activities to ensure that children can access and participate equally in all rights and services in peace. It works to protect children from all forms of neglect and abuse and rebuild a culture of peace in line with the fundamental rights of children.
  • Providing support to children affected by conflicts: The association focuses on children between the ages of 4-18 who were affected by the conflicts in the Sur district of Diyarbakir. It organizes socio-cultural and psychosocial studies in order to reduce the effects of traumas reflected in the daily lives of children in this age range. The association conducts post-traumatic therapeutic workshops and studies with social workers, sociologists, psychologists, and child rights workers to help children overcome traumatic processes.
  • Conducting situation and needs assessments: The Colorful Hopes Association conducts situation and needs assessments for the target groups to identify the problems faced by children and determine the areas where support is needed.
  • Organizing training: The association organizes training in areas of need to help children develop their skills and abilities. These trainings can be in areas such as art, music, language, and other educational areas.
  • Advocating for children's rights: The Colorful Hopes Association monitors and advocates for the rights of children to ensure that their voices are heard and their needs are met. It also works to raise awareness among the public about the importance of protecting and promoting children's rights.

Overall, the Colorful Hopes Association aims to create a world where children can live their childhood as children, based on their rights, with equal access to opportunities and services, and where their participation is ensured.


The Colorful Hopes Association has made a significant impact on the lives of children living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods, at risk, and exposed to discrimination. Their activities and programs have helped to ensure equal opportunities for these children, allowing them to access education, healthcare, and other basic needs.

The association has been able to reach a large number of children through its various programs and events. They have directly and indirectly reached a total of 1000 children living in Suriçi, the neighbourhood where the association is based. This includes children who have benefited from their post-traumatic therapeutic workshops, socio-cultural and psychosocial studies, and other support services.

In addition to their work with children, the association has also been able to create awareness about children's rights and promote a culture of peace in the community. They have organized activities and events that have helped to restore the social and cultural structure that has deteriorated due to the conflict environment, migration, and other social or natural events.

The Colorful Hopes Association has also had an impact on the volunteers and representatives from other non-governmental organizations who have worked with them. Through their work, they have been able to inspire others to take action and make a positive difference in their community.

Colorful Hopes Association
Leadership team

Yeter Erel TUMA  (General Coordinator )

Necla KORKMAZ  (Monitoring and Documentation Coordinator )

Umut Ciwan AYTAS (Finance and Administrative Affairs Coordinator )

Alper YALÇIN  (Child Rights Academy Coordinator)

Diyarbakir, Turkey
Region served
Year stablished
Ziya Gökalp Mah. Lale Sokak No:14 21300 Sur / Diyarbak?r
Social Media