Cranfield School of Management – Bedford, England

Dedicated to transforming the practice of management, not the theory of business.
Cranfield School of Management – Bedford, England

Maury Peiperl

Cranfield, United Kingdom
Business school
Bedford England MK43 0AL
Social Media

Cranfield School of Management has been a world leader in management education and research for more than 40 years and brings together a range of fundamental disciplines through research and consultancy, masters and doctorate programmes, executive development and conferences.  The programmes are designed to be flexible and innovative and are supported by state-of-the-art classroom technology. The key strength of Cranfield School of Management is the faculty, which is one of the most diverse in all European business schools.  They are actively engaged in consultancy and business research within corporate and global businesses and the government.  They are also leaders in their chosen fields and committed to practicality in teaching. The business school has 14,000 alumni from more than 120 different countries and has a mission to innovate and improve the practice of management around the world by creating and disseminating applied knowledge.  They strive to educate students to understand complex management problems executives face in every day situations.  Cranfield does this through their unique approach to management education and personal development, the research performed by the world-class faculty, the support of organisations in consultancy and the unique experience created for the students.


The Full-time MBA Programme is a practical learning experience that is directed towards business students and potential professionals in the business world.  The one-year programme is “dedicated to transforming the practice of management, not the theory of business”, according to Cranfield School of Management.  The programme strives help students:

  • Create their own personal leadership development plan that sets a vision for where they want to end up in their professional career.
  • Prepare for the role as an executive and help them to become aware of their strengths and weaknesses in their personalities and business skills.
  • Develop an advanced understanding of the aspects of business and finance and enhance their soft-skills, such as self-awareness, teamwork and resilience.
  • Develop confidence and competence and raise students’ levels of ambition.
  • Build a network and become a part of the Cranfield community.

The programme covers all the core subjects of management and is very flexible to accommodate to external obligations. Students can also choose electives and specialised projects that suit their interests.  Below is a diagram of the program structure, provided by Cranfield School of Management.

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The Cranfield Executive MBA combines the MBA structure with a flexible schedule to fit family and work commitments.  It’s offered in two different formats (either week-long or weekends) and is two years long.  The programme also offers remote studying and completion of assignments from home. The programme enables students to develop knowledge, skills and abilities in the business work place and learn how to properly apply them.  It focuses on progressing students’ careers towards senior strategic roles or building their own business. The executive MBA programme has an alumni network of 16,000 participants in over 120 countries across the world and allows executives to network and branch out to create new opportunities for themselves and their corporations.  Below is a diagram of the programme content for the executive MBA, provided by Cranfield School of Management.

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Cranfield School of Management also offers open-enrollment Executive Education Programmes that allow participants to work with and learn from the best minds in the business and experience first hand how they conduct research.  The programme is focused on developing leadership and management skills.  Below is a list of the areas open-enrollment programmes are offered in:

  • Leadership
  • Strategy
  • Praxis: Personal Impact and Development
  • Growing Businesses
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Marketing, Sales and Client Relationships
  • Project, Programme and Change Management
  • Finance
  • Human Resource Management
  • Information Systems
Global MBA rankings

Although Forbes and US News do not rank MBAs globally, they were included for their impact in the US

General information

Cranfield School of Management Cranfield Bedford England MK43 0AL t:  +44 (0)1234 751122 e:  mbaenquiries@cranfield.ac.uk w: www.cranfieldMBA.info/more

Cranfield School of Management – Bedford, England

Maury Peiperl

Cranfield, United Kingdom
Business school
Bedford England MK43 0AL
Social Media