Ding Xiongjun

Ding Xiongjun is the youngest leader in the history of Kweichou Moutai, a prominent Chinese liquor company.
Ding Xiongjun
Guizhou, China
Known for
Chairman of Kweichow Moutai, The youngest leader in the history of Kweichow Moutai
Wuhan University

Ding Xiongjun is the youngest leader in the history of Kweichow Moutai, a prominent Chinese liquor company, currently serving as the Party Secretary and Chairman. Despite lacking prior experience in managing enterprises, Ding Xiongjun's academic background and government positions have prepared him for this role. Recognized for his expertise in economics and trade, he is expected to lead Moutai in addressing production capacity, market dynamics, and relationships with stakeholders.

Since assuming his position, Ding Xiongjun has prioritized Moutai's production processes, conducting thorough investigations into safety, environmental protection, and quality. He emphasizes the importance of high-quality production capacity to ensure Moutai's future success. Additionally, he actively engages with employees, acknowledging their contributions and emphasizing the significance of craftsmanship and inheritance in the company's traditional brewing practices. This outreach demonstrates his commitment to fostering positive relationships with stakeholders, including suppliers and media outlets.

Ding Xiongjun also displays a specific interest in the development of Kweichou Xijiu, a subsidiary of Moutai Group. With Xijiu surpassing 10 billion yuan in sales, he urges the company to refine its positioning and align with the group's overall development strategy. Recognizing environmental and land-related challenges faced by Moutai Town, Ding Xiongjun explores opportunities for Xijiu's growth in non-Renhuai production areas.

Ding Xiongjun's early actions and statements as Chairman reflect his dedication to quality, production, stakeholder engagement, and sustainable growth. As he continues to navigate the challenges and opportunities of his role, his leadership and strategic decisions will shape Moutai Group's future trajectory.


Ding Xiongjun is the current Party Secretary and Chairman of Kweichow Moutai, a prominent Chinese liquor company. Born in 1974, he holds the distinction of being the youngest leader in the history of Moutai. Prior to assuming his position at Moutai, Ding Xiongjun had no prior experience in managing enterprises, making his appointment as the head of a state-owned company his first venture into such a role.

Ding Xiongjun is known for his academic background, having graduated from Wuhan University. He held significant positions in various government departments in Guiyang before joining the Guizhou provincial government in November 2013. Apart from a two-year period as a member of the Standing Committee of the Bijie Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor, he has primarily served in the provincial government.

Regarded as well-versed in economics and trade, Ding Xiongjun has been involved in promoting the Bijie liquor industry since 2017. Colleagues have described him as a composed individual, and there are high expectations for his leadership at Moutai, particularly regarding the company's production capacity, market dynamics, and relationships with local governments and investors.

Since assuming his new role, Ding Xiongjun has shown a keen focus on Moutai's production processes. He has conducted extensive investigations into production, safety, and environmental protection measures, visiting various workshops and facilities. Through these visits, he has emphasized the importance of quality, ecology, and safety, stressing the need for high-quality production capacity to secure Moutai's future.

In addition to his emphasis on production, Ding Xiongjun has actively engaged with retired Moutai employees, including former leaders, labour models, and master craftsmen. He has expressed gratitude for their contributions and highlighted the significance of craftsmanship and inheritance in the traditional brewing company. This outreach demonstrates his commitment to fostering positive relationships with various stakeholders, including suppliers, media outlets, and others.

Furthermore, Ding Xiongjun has shown a particular interest in the development of Kweichou Xijiu, a subsidiary of Moutai Group. Xijiu, a well-established sauce wine brand, has achieved significant success, surpassing 10 billion yuan in sales. Ding Xiongjun has urged the company to refine its positioning and make practical progress in line with the group's overall development strategy. He has also shown concern for the environmental and land-related challenges faced by Renhuai City, where Moutai Town is located, and expressed interest in exploring opportunities for Xijiu's development in non-Renhuai production areas.

Ding Xiongjun's early actions and statements as Chairman of Kweichou Moutai reflect his dedication to quality, production, stakeholder engagement, and the sustainable growth of the company. As he continues to navigate the challenges and opportunities of his new role, his leadership and strategic decisions will shape the future trajectory of Moutai Group.


Ding Xiongjun's vision as the Chairman of Kweichow Moutai centres around several key aspects that guide his leadership and strategic direction for the company. 

He places a strong emphasis on maintaining and enhancing the quality of Moutai's products. He recognizes that the soul of Moutai lies in its exceptional quality and strives to uphold the company's reputation as a producer of premium liquor. By ensuring rigorous production standards and promoting a culture of excellence, Ding Xiongjun aims to solidify Moutai's position as a global leader in the liquor industry.

Moreover, Ding Xiongjun envisions sustainable growth for Kweichou Moutai, considering both the company's economic performance and its impact on the environment and society. He emphasizes the importance of ecological and environmental protection measures, seeking to balance Moutai's expansion with responsible and sustainable practices. By promoting environmentally-friendly production processes and pursuing social responsibility initiatives, Ding Xiongjun aims to create a model of sustainable growth for the industry.

Recognizing the significance of stakeholder relationships, Ding Xiongjun actively engages with various parties associated with Moutai, including employees, retired workers, suppliers, media outlets, and local governments. He values the wisdom and experience of retired employees, seeking their input and guidance to contribute to the company's development. By fostering strong relationships with stakeholders, Ding Xiongjun aims to create a harmonious and cooperative environment that supports Moutai's long-term success.

In addition, Ding Xiongjun understands the importance of innovation and adaptability in a rapidly evolving market. He encourages a culture of continuous improvement, promoting research and development efforts to drive product innovation and meet changing consumer preferences. By staying ahead of market trends and embracing new technologies, Ding Xiongjun envisions Moutai as a dynamic and forward-thinking company that consistently delivers value to its customers.

Furthermore, Ding Xiongjun aims to further expand Moutai's presence in international markets. Recognizing the growing global demand for high-quality spirits, he seeks to position Moutai as a global brand that represents Chinese excellence and craftsmanship. Through strategic market penetration, brand building, and effective distribution channels, Ding Xiongjun envisions Moutai as a renowned and sought-after liquor brand worldwide.

Ding Xiongjun
Guizhou, China
Known for
Chairman of Kweichow Moutai, The youngest leader in the history of Kweichow Moutai
Wuhan University