Emmanuel Fenet

Thought leader, events manager, and CEO of Paris Blockchain Week
Emmanuel Fenet
Paris, France
Events manager, thought leader, blockchain advocate, business leader
Graduated (with honours) from Universidad Pontificia Comillas and NEOMA Business School
Social Media

Emmanuel Fenet is an Events Manager who has been organising content-focussed international events like conferences and summits. He has more than 25 years of experience in successfully managing events for Les Échos and The Wall Street Journal Europe, to discuss economic, financial, legal, and technological topics.

Emmanuel is the CEO of Chain Of Events, SAS, an event organiser specialising in conferences and trade events for professionals in the blockchain universe. The company was originally founded to organise Paris Blockchain Week Summit and Paris NFT Day.

With the Paris Blockchain Week Summit to be held in March of 2023, Emmanuel is currently looking after Europe's largest blockchain event with a vision to transform it into a globally renowned experience and the foremost business platform for the advancement of the Web 3.0 revolution.

Emmanuel also founded Live Matters, a conglomeration of strong and unique live communication brands, in 2014. Live Matters brought more than 15 brands, including Habegger, Spaces, Satis&Fy, and BrainHub, to mention a few, towards a common vision: to become the leading global provider of live communication.

Emmanuel is a graduate of NEOMA Business School and The Jesuit University of Madrid. He has held top positions in various organisations, including Premier Cercle, Option Finance, and Leaders League.

He is passionate about blockchain technology and its potential and believes that it can be used to create a more equitable and transparent global economy. 


After his graduation, Emmanuel joined Les Echos as Conference Manager. After five years, serving in managing events at Les Echos, he joined Premier Cercle in 2002 as Associate Director.

In 2014, he founded Live Matters. The company was a conglomeration of more than 15 strong and unique live communication brands, including Habegger, Spaces, Satis&Fy, and BrainHub. Live Matters envisioned to become the leading global provider in live communication.

He was the Director of Conferences and Events from 2018 at Leaders League, a business services company and the rating agency that delivers C-level events, comprehensive rankings and in-depth analysis designed to bring the world’s markets together.

As the CEO of Chain of Events SAS, Emmanuel has been benchmarking his events organising skills and network for the blockchain universe, including global events like Paris Blockchain Week and Paris NFT Day.

Speaking about the event in 2023 in a recent interview with Dinis Guarda, he said:

“We rely very much, not just on technology, but also on creation. Organising the event in the Louvre shows that we are here for a long run. We are going to discuss and advocate the benefits of the blockchain technology to bring trust among various players in the field. We will also debate the metaverse as major brands are starting their ventures in this field. 
Art is going to be at the centre, however. We are going to have some panels and exhibitions.”


As an events manager, Emmanuel has been benchmarking his skills in organising global level events.

Speaking about Paris Blockchain Week 2023, that Emmanuel is organising at The Louvre de Paris, he told Dinis in a recent interview:

“Paris Blockchain Week is a platform to showcase the technologies they are being built, lessons learnt from a few years in crypto, and the solutions that can be created in future. During Paris Blockchain Week 2023, attendees will have the opportunity to attend various workshops, seminars, and panel discussions. These events will focus on various topics related to blockchain technology including its potential applications, security considerations, and other topics of interest. It also aims to educate the public on the potential applications of blockchain technology and its implications for the future, and would span across multiple industries and countries.”

Recognition and Awards
Emmanuel graduated with honours from Universidad Pontificia Comillas and NEOMA Business School. His extensive experience and education have equipped him with the skills and knowledge necessary to lead an event as influential and important as Paris Blockchain Week. With growing events with each successive year, the company expects to attract over 10,000 attendees from across the world, 300+ Sponsors, 60% C-level+, 400+ Speakers and 400+ Media. Prior to joining Paris Blockchain Week, Emmanuel had held managerial roles with a number of top companies, including Leaders League, Option Finance, Premier Cercle and Les Echos.
Emmanuel Fenet
Paris, France
Events manager, thought leader, blockchain advocate, business leader
Graduated (with honours) from Universidad Pontificia Comillas and NEOMA Business School
Social Media