Eric Ma
Eric Ma is the CEO of BTCU Ultimatum. Prior to that, Eric was Community Manager for CoinMarketCap - the world's leading platform source for crypto market capitalizations, pricing and information.
Eric later took the role as the CEO of Bione, a world-leading cryptocurrency exchange for global digital asset professionals and enthusiasts which was established in May 2018 in Singapore. In 2020, he was approached by BTCU to become the CEO of the company.
Eric Ma was born in Taiwan but he moved early to Singapore. Eric was always interested in payments and the financial industry and always wanted to know more about how this complex system works. He attended University in Wisconsin, US and majored in landscape architecture.
Eric Ma started his professional career as a landscape architect for 10 years in California. That has nothing to do with blockchain or crypto but Eric had some learning he brought over to crypto: there is a lot of designing and forward-thinking in architecture. At the dawn of the Financial Crisis, Eric decided to move back to his home country, Taiwan. In the beginning, he wanted to become a landscape architect in Taiwan but there weren’t enough opportunities in that field. In Taiwan, Eric Ma took on different roles: from teaching English to HR.
In 2015, Eric Ma started to invest in cryptocurrency, firstly in Bitcoin and he got caught up in blockchain and crypto. He studied and learned as much as he could about blockchain and crypto. He was approached by Coinmarketcap and joined in performing different roles in the company. At that time, Coinmarketcap was a rather small company with only 17 employees. As a Community Manager of Coinmarketcap, he travelled the world, assisting with events and putting the word out about the company and blockchain and crypto.
He led Coinmarketcap when this was acquired. He then joined Bione for a while until reaching his current role in 2020 as CEO of BTCU. He is improving the Bitcoin blockchain and creating new technologies that would solve the key problems of the crypto community.
Eric Ma said the following about his experience at Bione:
“When I joined the team I would say that most of the customers were in China. They wanted to improve the platform and grow their customer base and performance overall. We launched a revamped version of the business just within 6 months since I got there. However, I wasn’t really hooked up by how the business was conceived so I decided to move when I was approached by BTCU.”
Eric Ma sees technological innovation as the key driver. With the demand for blockchain technology continuing to grow, together with BTCU’s team, Eric Ma confirmed he will help lead BTCU to become one of the top cryptocurrencies in the world.