Jonathan Sims

Jonathan Sims is the CPO for French company ENGIE/EQUANS
Jonathan Sims
London Area, United Kingdom
Known for
CPO for French company ENGIE/EQUANS
MBA and a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA), Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University
Social Media

Jonathan Sims is the CPO for French company ENGIE/EQUANS and an experienced senior executive manager. Jonathan has more than 25 years of experience in different industries including engineering, energy and construction. Jonathan Sims has a strong connection with academia and holds four university degrees, including an MBA and a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA), as an external advising practitioner to Nottingham Business School and guest lecturer at Durham Business School.


Jonathan Sims has 25 years of experience in the construction, engineering, and energy sectors. Jonathan originally qualified as a development surveyor and brings significant knowledge of asset management, land acquisition and commercial property development. Jonathan Sims has worked for two of the largest privately owned construction and engineering groups in Europe, in varied roles from strategic business projects, human resources, procurement and business transformation. Currently, Jonathan Sims works as the CPO for the French company ENGIE/EQUANS where he manages an annual spend of £1.2bn on goods and services with a team of c65. In this capacity, he holds expert knowledge in risk management, people development, zero carbon solutions, due diligence, and responsible business practices.

Jonathan said about his experience: “Having worked across a range of industry leading businesses, I have enjoyed senior level exposure to multiple business functions and projects including work winning, strategic procurement and supply chain management, organisational culture and strategic human resources, business transformation and general management.”

Jonathan Sims has a strong connection with academia and holds four university degrees, including an MBA and a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA). Jonathan Sims is very well versed in delivering cultural change programmes and managing transformations within organisations. Jonathan has been an external advising practitioner to Nottingham Business School for the past 9 years. Jonathan is also a guest lecturer at Durham Business School on the executive MBA and DBA programmes.


Jonathan Sims is the Chief Procurement Officer of EQUANS, which is the joint venture of ENGIE UK & Ireland’s services-led activity under a new brand.

All of ENGIE’s UK & Ireland activity in technical services & facilities management, energy efficiency and regeneration are now part of EQUANS – along with their specialist energy related capabilities: smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.

EQUANS was formed by ENGIE Group in July 2021 as a new global market leader in the sector with 74,000 employees, leveraging 200 years of expertise. It has revenues of €12 billion and a presence in 17 countries. EQUANS is a company of ENGIE.

Industries, cities and businesses face unprecedented, ever-renewing challenges. The energy, digital and industrial transitions are redesigning the way we use and optimise energy towards a net zero carbon future, the way we move, work and live. Buildings are increasingly efficient and intelligent, transport greener and connected, industrial production improved and controlled.

EQUANS empowers transitions both for today and tomorrow.


In a recent interview with Dinis Guarda, Jonathan said the following about:

Digital Transformation in Industry

“There is a huge amount of change that is hitting a business that is typically, a sector that is typically quite slow to respond to some of those changes. And there is a real burning platform around. So the issue probably keeping us awake at night is the EDA agenda, and our need to be more representative of society and inclusive. And there is a myriad of academic papers written on just how male, pale, and stale the construction and engineering sector is and that starts to impact on our ability to attract the brightest minds into the sector. The drive to zero carbon by 2050 has a huge impact on our sector and our organisation, so Enji globally as a business contributes 0.5% of all carbon, so we are a huge carbon-heavy organisation, that is a phenomenal challenge for us”.

Carbon Neutral solutions for business

“I mean it’s a, the focus on carbon at so many different levels, whether it’s from clients, whether it’s from government, whether it’s from our own supply chain, it’s huge and it is a phenomenal burning platform for us, and I think for me, where everybody is striving to get to at this moment in time, we have a team within Enji that are procuring carbon neutral team. The driver for us at the minute is to baseline and to have that really robust understanding across more than a 100 thousand vendors. I was heat-mapping where our carbon is actually coming from at scope 3 level. So it’s about understanding which services and which categories of spend and which subcontractors are the biggest contributors and how we can target the reduction of that embodied carbon. And it has a myriad of focus areas. It is about looking at alternative methods of delivery, be that moving to prefabricated solutions where applicable, reducing the embodied carbon in finished products and looking at the selectivity of products that we bring in”.

Recognition and Awards
EQUANS was formed by ENGIE Group in July 2021 as a new global market leader in the sector with 74,000 employees, leveraging 200 years of expertise. It has revenues of €12 billion and a presence in 17 countries. EQUANS is a company of ENGIE.
Jonathan Sims
London Area, United Kingdom
Known for
CPO for French company ENGIE/EQUANS
MBA and a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA), Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University
Social Media