Mr. Sjoerd Sjouwerman (Founder, Chairman & CEO)
Mr. Lars Letonoff (Pres, Chief Revenue Officer & Board Observer)
Mr. Kevin Mitnick (Chief Hacking Officer)
KnowBe4 was founded in 2010 by IT and information security veteran Stu Sjouwerman. Initially, the company was focused on providing the most up-to-date and comprehensive user security training. Since then, KnowBe4 has expanded its offerings to include products and services that help organizations protect themselves against ransomware, phishing, and other cyber-attacks.
We’re not a company that turns out bloatware year after year.
We don’t work with only the bottom line in mind.
And we feel fine with all that.
We’re a team of free-thinking techies, who look at IT security issues a little differently.
Where other IT security companies may value profits, we value, well…security.
We are not in the pocket of any of the large players.
We answer to no one but IT admins in the trenches.
Our rules are: “Do it right the first time, do it fast, and have fun while you do it”.
We work like that, because we think it’s the only way to go.
We believe that only with community can you effectively secure your domains.
We believe that as IT Admins we need to hang together, because if we don’t we will hang alone.
We’re not just a different kind of security company, we are a security company that together with you, makes a difference.
Key Team
Mr. Robert F. Reich (Chief Financial Officer)
Mr. Colin Murphy (Chief Information Officer)
Ken Talanian (VP of Investor Reporting)
Amanda Tarantino (Sr. Mang. of PR)
Mr. Michael Williams (Chief Marketing Officer)
Mr. Robert Henley (VP of Corp. Devel.)
Mr. Ani Banerjee (Chief HR Officer)
Recognition and Awards
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Mr. Sjoerd Sjouwerman (Founder, Chairman & CEO)
Mr. Lars Letonoff (Pres, Chief Revenue Officer & Board Observer)
Mr. Kevin Mitnick (Chief Hacking Officer)