Koji Murata

Koji Murata is the Country Head at en world India.
Koji Murata
New Delhi, Delhi, India
CEO, founder
Konan University
Social Media

Koji Murata is the Country Head at en world India, CEO at New Era India, and Director at Future Focus Infotech, CxO Search, RPO, and Tech Staffing. 

With more than a decade of association with en-japan inc., Murata has worked on the HR tech business, Job Board, Executive Search and New products for Senior Level candidates across the Asia Pacific region. Murata is passionate to explore different aspects of Human Resources as he intends to make a better world for the next generations.


Murata has been heading Indian operations at New Era India since January 2017 where through his strategic foresight, drive and determination, has driven India's business to new heights. Aligning en world core competence ‘Success after Joining’ in a dynamic market like India, not only has he brought a pyramid shift in the Indian recruitment market with competitive value to add service and with a Data-driven approach, his Indian team is leveraging en world global learning while maintaining local competency in the market.

Founded in 1993, New Era India Consultancy is one of the leading Executive Search, Contingency Search, Talent Management, Employer Branding, HR Consulting & RPO solution providers with multi-domain expertise across India and the Asia Pacific. Setting strategy and direction. Modelling and setting the company’s culture, values, and behaviour. Building and leading the senior executive team. Allocating capital to the company’s priorities.


His vision can be found in a recent interview by Dinis Guarda:

“I grew up in Kobe, a city in Japan and went to the university there. I did a few years of university in the UK, at the university of Leeds. I then started to work in a Japanese company. I have been working in the same company since I started my career and I have grown and moved up the company ladder to top management positions. My company acquired two new companies in the technology space in Asia which I manage right now. 

At the moment, I am settled in India. As a Japanese, I feel like the decision-making process in Japan is very slow, it is a society based on trust and you need to nurture trust over time. In fact, Japan is very different from other Asian countries. For example, Vietnam, where I worked for a few years, is growing very fast and I think it is because of their positive approach to problem-solving and hard-working habits. Japan is a very structured and very money-driven economy. People there usually work in only one company during their entire career. 

With our company, we try to research and understand the market we are in and what are the needs of these companies and the type of people they are looking for. Data is really important for us to find the best candidates for companies. We also started assessment solutions to do that. This way we can look at social media and other data points, which is critical for companies who are hiring specific candidates. Right now, we are working towards creating an automation system for recruitment through data points.”

Recognition and Awards
Murata has a deep experience of about 17 years in the HR industry and new business development (HR Tech). He focused on HR solutions in Japan for 10 years, such as campus hiring services and permanent hiring services.
Koji Murata
New Delhi, Delhi, India
CEO, founder
Konan University
Social Media