Lebanese Association For Digital Transformation

Known for its significant contribution to driving digital transformation and the adoption of emerging technologies through fostering innovation in Lebanon and the Middle East.
Lebanese Association For Digital Transformation
Leadership team

RANDA AL RIFAI (Founder & President)

DR. HILAL HUSSEIN (Co-founder)


Beirut, Lebanon
Region served
Year stablished
Social Media

The Lebanese Association for Digital Transformation (LADT) is a non-profit organization based in Lebanon. It was registered with the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities on May 9, 2018, under the number 988. LADT focuses on promoting and facilitating the application of digital transformation in various sectors.

The organization's mission is to advocate for the use of emerging technologies to enhance and improve the daily lives of individuals, empower business leaders, and influence policymakers. LADT recognizes the transformative power of emerging technologies and seeks to harness their potential for positive change in what they refer to as the "new hyper age."

LADT aims to create a platform where stakeholders from different sectors can collaborate, exchange ideas, and share best practices regarding digital transformation. By fostering partnerships between industry experts, policymakers, and businesses, LADT strives to facilitate the adoption of emerging technologies and drive innovation in Lebanon.


LADT is an evolution of continuous efforts started by evangelists who have been passionate about empowering the Lebanese ecosystem with their resources and capabilities. In order to bridge the gap between education and awareness, LADT has leveraged a materialization of an eclectic panel comprising academics, programmers, technology entrepreneurs, experienced financial consultants and journalists.

LADT has established a focused community around the importance of emerging technologies, focusing on Blockchain technology implementation and cryptocurrency as a financial facilitator for economic growth and prosperity.

The history of the Lebanese Association for Digital Transformation (LADT) traces back to its establishment in 2018. The organization was founded with the aim of promoting and facilitating digital transformation in Lebanon, recognizing the transformative potential of emerging technologies in various sectors.

LADT was officially registered as a non-profit organization with the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities in Lebanon on May 9, 2018, under the number 988. Since its inception, LADT has been driven by a vision to shape a future where digital innovation plays a central role in enhancing the lives of individuals, empowering businesses, and influencing policymakers.

Over the years, LADT has made significant strides in advocating for digital transformation in Lebanon. The organization has actively engaged with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, including industry experts, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and academics. By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, LADT has built a robust network that supports its mission of driving digital transformation initiatives.

LADT has organized numerous events, conferences, and seminars to raise awareness about digital transformation and facilitate discussions on its impact and potential. These gatherings have provided a platform for experts to share insights, experiences, and best practices, inspiring others to embrace emerging technologies.

The organization has also played a vital role in influencing digital policies and regulations in Lebanon. By engaging with policymakers and government entities, LADT has advocated for policies that foster innovation, support entrepreneurship, and create an enabling environment for digital initiatives. Through its efforts, LADT has helped shape the regulatory landscape, paving the way for the growth and development of digital businesses in the country.

In addition, LADT has prioritized capacity building and skills development to bridge the digital skills gap in Lebanon. The organization has organized training programs, workshops, and educational initiatives to equip individuals with the necessary digital skills required in the modern workforce. By empowering individuals and businesses with digital literacy and capabilities, LADT has contributed to building a skilled workforce that can drive digital transformation across sectors.

As LADT continues to evolve, it remains committed to its mission of promoting and facilitating digital transformation. By harnessing the power of collaboration, advocacy, and education, LADT strives to create a thriving digital ecosystem in Lebanon that embraces innovation, fosters entrepreneurship, and improves the lives of individuals and communities through the transformative potential of emerging technologies.

Goals and Purpose

The Lebanese Association for Digital Transformation (LADT) has set several goals to drive its mission of promoting and facilitating digital transformation in Lebanon. Some of the key areas of focus for LADT include:

  • Digital Innovation: LADT promotes the development and adoption of innovative digital solutions across various sectors, such as healthcare, education, finance, and government services. They encourage organizations to leverage emerging technologies to enhance their operations and improve efficiency.
  • Capacity Building: LADT recognizes the importance of building digital skills and capabilities among individuals and organizations. They organize workshops, training programs, and educational initiatives to help bridge the digital skills gap and enable people to adapt to the changing technological landscape.
  • Advocacy and Policy Influence: LADT actively engages with policymakers to shape digital transformation policies and regulations in Lebanon. They advocate for policies that foster innovation, support entrepreneurship, and create an enabling environment for digital transformation initiatives.
  • Networking and Collaboration: LADT provides a platform for networking and collaboration among professionals, experts, and stakeholders interested in digital transformation. Through conferences, seminars, and industry events, they facilitate knowledge exchange and encourage collaboration for the advancement of digital transformation in Lebanon.
  • Education and Awareness: LADT focuses on developing the required skill set, culture, and learning environment necessary for digital transformation. They organize comprehensive training programs, workshops, hackathons, conferences, exhibitions, summits, and roundtables. These initiatives involve collaboration with government institutions, SMEs, corporates, universities, and schools to educate and raise awareness about digital transformation. LADT also hosts social and informative events and debates to discuss the impact, use cases, and regulations related to digital transformation.

The Lebanese Association for Digital Transformation (LADT) has made a significant impact on the digital landscape in Lebanon and beyond. Through its various initiatives and collaborations, LADT has been instrumental in driving digital transformation and fostering innovation in multiple sectors. Here are some key areas where LADT has made an impact:

  • Catalyzing Digital Innovation: LADT has played a crucial role in promoting and catalyzing digital innovation across different industries. By organizing events, hackathons, and startup competitions, LADT has provided a platform for entrepreneurs, innovators, and developers to showcase their ideas and technologies. This has not only encouraged the creation of new digital solutions but has also sparked collaborations and partnerships that have further accelerated innovation.
  • Empowering Businesses: LADT recognizes the importance of digital transformation for businesses to remain competitive and adapt to evolving market dynamics. Through capacity-building programs, workshops, and mentorship initiatives, LADT has empowered numerous businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), to embrace emerging technologies. By providing them with the necessary knowledge, tools, and resources, LADT has helped these businesses streamline their operations, improve customer experiences, and drive growth.
  • Bridging the Digital Skills Gap: LADT acknowledges the critical need for digital skills in today's workforce. To address the digital skills gap, LADT has launched various educational initiatives, training programs, and partnerships with academic institutions. These efforts have helped equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge required to thrive in the digital age. By nurturing digital talent, LADT has contributed to building a skilled workforce that can drive digital transformation across sectors.
  • Influencing Policy and Regulation: LADT actively engages with policymakers and government entities to shape digital transformation policies and regulations. By advocating for policies that foster innovation, support entrepreneurship, and create an enabling environment for digital initiatives, LADT has had a tangible impact on the regulatory landscape. Their efforts have helped create a more conducive ecosystem for digital transformation, attracting investment, and facilitating the growth of digital businesses in Lebanon.
  • Fostering Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange: LADT serves as a hub for networking, collaboration, and knowledge exchange among professionals, experts, and stakeholders interested in digital transformation. Through conferences, seminars, and industry events, LADT has brought together thought leaders, practitioners, and policymakers to share insights, experiences, and best practices. This collaborative approach has facilitated cross-sector partnerships, encouraged innovation, and accelerated the pace of digital transformation in Lebanon.
Lebanese Association For Digital Transformation
Leadership team

RANDA AL RIFAI (Founder & President)

DR. HILAL HUSSEIN (Co-founder)


Beirut, Lebanon
Region served
Year stablished
Social Media