Liam Fahey

The Cofounder and Partner in Leadership Forum, and the creator and leader of its Intelligence Leadership Forum.
Liam Fahey
Needham, Massachusetts, United States
Author, Executive Director, Consultant, Educator
Ph.D. degree at University of Pittsburgh
Social Media

Dr. Liam Fahey is the Cofounder and Partner in Leadership Forum, and the creator and leader of its Intelligence Leadership Forum.


He has been a faculty member at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management and Boston University, and he now serves as Professor of Management Practice at Babson College. 

His consulting, teaching, research and writing focus is on enabling organizations to win in the marketplace through enhanced marketplace intelligence and insight.  He advises leaders, conducts workshops, consults to analysis specialists and engages with work teams in all facets of generating and leveraging marketplace intelligence and insight. He is author or editor of eight books and over fifty articles or book chapters.


His custom-designed intelligence and insight workshops have enabled organizations to develop a deeper understanding of their emerging and potential competitive environments; understanding that makes a real difference in their thinking, decisions, and action

Recognition and Awards
Service The first recipient of the Meritorious Award for Distinguished Service from the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP). Dr. Liam Fahey has been named in the top 150 management “gurus” based on internet search, index citations and media references in the 2003 Davenport and Prusak book What’s the Big Idea. Voted "Outstanding Teacher of the Year" by the Kellogg School students.
Liam Fahey
Needham, Massachusetts, United States
Author, Executive Director, Consultant, Educator
Ph.D. degree at University of Pittsburgh
Social Media