Ludovic Courcelas

Government Strategy Lead at ConsenSys - Blockchain solutions in the EU and worldwide
Ludovic Courcelas
Government Strategy Lead at ConsenSys
Known for
Government Strategy Lead at ConsenSys
MBA at Clarkson University
Social Media

Ludovic Courcelas is a technology enthusiast working for the world's largest mesh of blockchain entrepreneurs and technologists.


Ludovic Courcelas is a technology enthusiast working for the world's largest mesh of blockchain entrepreneurs and technologists. Ludovic is the Government Strategy Lead ConsenSys. Ludovic is committed to delivering high-stakes projects for corporations and governments. Previously Ludovic worked as a Developer Audience - Marketing Evangelist at Microsoft and after Innovation & Blockchain Assistant at BNP Paribas Securities Services before joining Consensys. Ludovic particularly enjoys working with developers and artists. Ludovic loves comics, video games, YouTube creators, science, and he was formerly in a competitive rowing crew. Ludovic is a huge fan of Damon Albarn and his different bands. 


Government Strategy Lead ConsenSys

ConsenSys is a blockchain venture production studio. Our global team is building an ecosystem of consumer-centric products and enterprise solutions using blockchain technologies, primarily Ethereum.


Building the EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum for the European Commission's DG CONNECT

Innovation & Blockchain Assistant at BNP Paribas Securities Services

Worked with the Innovation and Digital Lab team on blockchain


- Created and conducted technical workshops on ICOs for collaborators.

- Managed the development of an internal mobile app project based on blockchain to record volunteer hours done by employees.

- Multiple POCs targeting financial and custodian services,

- Due diligence of blockchain projects, startups, and cryptocurrencies.


Developer Audience - Marketing Evangelist at Microsoft

Member of DX Evangelism team. I worked on a developer audience to bridge the gap between early adoption of technologies and their broader market adoption.

- Developed and was responsible for dev.microsoft.fr website

- Creation of Blockchain Hackademy (1200+ attendees)

- Reporting and analysis of Microsoft’s online impact among developers

- Digital marketing: emailings/newsletters, social media campaigns



He is committed to delivering high-stakes projects for corporations and governments.

Recognition and Awards
Ludovic worked as a Developer Audience - Marketing Evangelist at Microsoft and after Innovation & Blockchain Assistant at BNP Paribas Securities Services before joining Consensys
Ludovic Courcelas
Government Strategy Lead at ConsenSys
Known for
Government Strategy Lead at ConsenSys
MBA at Clarkson University
Social Media