Marco Robinson is a top 2 Netflix creator, producer & actor. He has over 100 films in development and 28 in distribution. He is the star of the hit Channel 4 TV Show "Get a house for free" that went to 67 countries and showcased Marco’s work as the 1st person in the world to give three houses away to three homeless families, which included paying the mortgages off.
Marco is now the founder of the charity FREEDOMX with the explicit mission to stop homelessness using revolutionary blockchain technology so one can see where their donations are going and witness the progression of the people helped.
About Freedomx “There are approximately 280,000 homeless people in the UK. That’s 280,000 men, women and children. 280,000 sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers and friends. It is estimated that between 4-5000 of those sleep on the streets of one of the richest countries in the world. The UK. With the kind generosity of people, we believe that we can help get people out of the dire situation that they have found themselves in. Not only does FreedomX want to ensure that people have a roof over their heads, but we want to help them build a better life for themselves. We can do this by not only helping the homeless with their housing solutions but also by making sure, through our mentoring program, that they can gain the skills they need to enter the workplace.” How do Marco help homeless people “We know that every person is unique and has different needs, goals and support needs. That’s why we talk to every individual to find out exactly what they need. Having a roof over our head is one of the most important things in life. It offers us protection, shelter, warmth, and sense of belonging. It gives us a space to raise a family, to meet with family and friends, and to enjoy the peace and quiet after a busy day. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a place to call home, and unfortunately, some people lack the skills to run a home, often through no fault of their own. Some of us take those skills for granted. Paying bills, decorating, cleaning and respecting our neighbours comes as second nature to some. However, some need extra support to be able to gain the skills needed to keep a roof over their head and to manage their tenancy responsibly. In giving extra support to those that need it most will ensure that a higher success rate on tenancy retention is achieved. Likewise, many homeless individuals and families lose out on vital government benefits that they are entitled to. This can be due to many factors. Unfortunately, some are not aware of the help that is available or are unable to fill out the forms. It is also a fact that some people are too embarrassed to ask for help. We can assist people to gain the help they are entitled to by helping them to fill out forms or by making extra enquiries on their behalf to government agencies. CV writing can seem daunting, especially for those that have big gaps in their work history. Our Freedom Fighters can assist with creating a CV so that our beneficiaries have the best possible chance of gaining employment. At some point we have all struggled to get an appointment with the local GP. This can be even harder for those people that are homeless. Many GP surgeries wrongly turn away people without a fixed address or no ID. NHS guidelines state that neither of these are valid reasons not to register a patient, and FreedomX will assist those that need to see a GP to do so. We take both physical and mental health very seriously. The lack of funds to get to GP appointments or follow up appointments can often lead to health issues deteriorating. This should not be the case. FreedomX will work with our beneficiaries to help schedule and keep appointments. Signposting is often vital to our beneficiaries. Often people have been a victim of crime, have serious amounts of debt, have very complex medical needs or unable to speak English. When this is the case, and we feel that it is beyond our capabilities to help, Freedomx will ensure that people are directed to the best service to help them. We also do a follow up to ensure that help is being received where possible. Mentoring will be tailor made to the individual and their needs, and of course this can change over a period of time. We offer mentoring in personal growth, mindset, business skills and money management.” About filming career “When I was a child, movies were a way to escape for me. I loved to watch James Bond’s movies where the good guy was running over the roofs chasing the bad guy and I wanted to be that good guy. So after a while being in business, I decided I wanted to chase my childhood dream to do filmings but I didn’t have any acting experience. The opportunity came once I was in contact with a filmmaker in Barcelona. I was presented with the script, did a few tests and the movie got the green light. The movie was called Truth 99. The director was of Ukraine’s background and the movie was against Russia’s president Putin and I was warned not to do the movie. So we decided to do something else, a fictional spy movie, which we had loads of problems regarding funding (we ran out of money a few times) and then when we finished the movie this January, COVID came and we haven’t been able to release the movie yet in cinemas. It is on Amazon Prime though.”
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