Mark Lomax
Dr. Mark Lomax is a seasoned healthcare entrepreneur and medical doctor. Prior to establishing PEP Health, Dr. Lomax founded, built and sold an award winning business, MediHome - that tackled where patients should receive their healthcare. Dr. Lomax has worked,and still is, closely working with the NHS to present his thoughts of “How to Crack the NHS” at various conferences. Dr. Mark Lomax has extensive experience in healthtech, raising growth capital, international healthcare delivery, delivering high growth and building high-performing teams; delivering commercial success from the NHS. Dr. Mark Lomax’s latest company, PEP Health is trying to transform how patient experience is tracked and measured. It can provide reports and insights to hospitals, insurers, commissioners, national bodies and consultancies about the quality of care experienced. It was selected to be part of the NHS Innovation Accelerator in 2020.
Mark Lomax initially worked in the NHS as a doctor after completing his undergraduate training at Barts Medical School in 1999. Mark has strategic and operational capability from a start-up - fast growth - to the exit , including raising capital, shareholder/investor relations and major contract negotiations. He is passionate about transforming and improving healthcare. He joined PEP in 2019 as CEO. About PEP Healthcare (Patient Experience Platform) PEP Health is a social media listening tool which offers a radical new approach to collecting and analysing the views of patients on the health services they have received, offering comprehensive real-time reporting of what patients really think about their care. PEP aggregates millions of social media and online comments about every acute hospital in England, whether NHS or independent. It then uses advanced machine learning, with comments themed into eight quality domains, to give insights which fully reflect each provider’s strengths and weaknesses, including at departmental level. Providers can be benchmarked against each other but PEP’s longitudinal tracking, going back to 2018, also allows individual organisations to track their progress across the different aspects of their care.
His vision can be found in a recent interview with Dinis Guarda. “I am a doctor who has worked in hospitals, not only in the UK but also in the US and other parts of the world. As a medical doctor I saw there were various challenges that needed to be tackled in healthcare, especially regarding integrating technology to help specialists make better decisions, with better insights and data. It drove me to become an entrepreneur”. “These kinds of solutions are the way to go in my opinion. Hospitals are not always the best place to be. They can be noisy, lack privacy and the comfort to recover faster. In fact, what I have learned all these years is that people at home recover quicker, but they still need to be monitored.For hospitals and healthcare systems, it was a great tool as they did not have to build new infrastructure or hire more personnel, hence saved costs”. “That was what PEP Health has been doing since its inception. I wanted to make an even greater impact, with better insights and was introduced to the founders of PEP Health. I immediately recognised the potential of PEP Health and how it could transform healthcare for the better”.
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