Michael DaCosta Babb
Michael Babb a creative leader with a keen interest in media, digital and innovation; possesses a senior commercial network in the UK and abroad; enjoys a reputation for the activation and running of high profile projects.
Michael works in the creative and innovation industries. He currently is a freelance management consultant for various tech businesses across all sectors. Michael is a mentor of MIT Portugal, Start Up Lisboa, The Lisbon Challenge and a founder jury member of the European Commission @Diversity Culture Technology competition. In the past Michael has worked on projects with many major brands and institutions including PlayStation, Nike, X Box, MTV, Diageo, Cockspur Rum, Interbrew, BMW, Coca Cola, SONAR, Red Bull, Nokia, Vice and the ICA. He also has a significant media track record having worked for City Limits, Tank Girl, Deadline, Observer Life magazine, Art & Architecture Journal and Labkultur.TV.
About Babb: "Michael is not your everyday marketeer. He is able to draw from a rich and diverse cultural experience, both at production level, and at process level, having lived for several years in Portugal, mixing with ability the specificity of anglo saxon and the latin approaches”. – Luis T. Pereira
Recognition and Awards
- https://twitter.com/michaeldacosta?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
- https://www.instagram.com/michaeldacostababb/?hl=en
- https://givenation.world/our_team/michael-dacosta-babb/
- https://www.openbusinesscouncil.org/wiki/michael-dacosta-babb/
- https://uk.linkedin.com/in/michaeldacosta
- https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/Ja0lFWf65w7k1EqCOU158R4mzqQ/appointments
- http://www.checkcompany.co.uk/director/4601062/MR-MICHAEL-DACOSTA-BABB
- https://www.intelligenthq.com/author/michael-dacosta-babb/
- https://campusonline.academia.edu/MichaelDaCostaBabb
- https://twitter.com/michaeldacosta
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