Nextrade Group

Nextrade Group provides data and analytics services that equip governments, multilateral development banks, and Fortune 500s with the technology they need to facilitate trade and foster economic advancement.


Nextrade Group
Leadership team

Dr. Kati Suominen (Founder and CEO)

Bonaly Phrasavath (Digital Economy Analyst)

Fabian Stachelin (eCommerce Development Lead)

Michael Poor  (Manager and Financial Services Lead)

Bassil Eid (eCommerce Development Lead)



Products/ Services
policy-relevant data products, analytics, and business solutions for eCommerce, blockchain, and artificial intelligence in the global trade ecosystem
Number of Employees
0 - 50
El Segundo, CA
Social Media

Nextrade Group is a data and analytics company that helps governments, multilateral development banks, and Fortune 500s to enable trade and economic growth through technology. The company has been hired by more than 40 clients, most of them many times, to ideate, architect, and build policy-relevant data products, analytics, and business solutions to accelerate the use of such technologies as eCommerce, blockchain, and artificial intelligence in the global trade ecosystem.

The company has also created and built seven global public-private partnerships with leading companies, international institutions, and governments, aimed to further the use of technologies and standards to facilitate trade and eCommerce.

It has built a distinctive track record in pioneering new global databases and initiatives on digital trade. It created the World Bank and USAID first databases on cross-border eCommerce development, the first digital trade analytics for Asian Development Bank and Inter-American Development Bank, and USAID's first PPP in eCommerce development, Alliance for eTrade Development I and II. 

Some of the selected clients of Nextrade Group include the World Bank Group, Inter-American Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, MasterCard, Fedex, eBay, PayPal, Visa, Amazon, IBM, Arconic, Magento, Google, TradeKey, Alibaba Group, U.S. Agency for International Development, AusAID, New Zealand Ministry Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), U.S. Small Business Administration, U.S. State Department, U.S. Commerce Department, UN Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD), UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN ECLAC), UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP), Palladium Group, Carana Corporation, Korefusion, Central American Regional Center for the Promotion of MSMEs (Cenpromype), Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean, European Institute for eCommerce Management, ConnectAmericas, South African Institute for International Affairs, Brookings Institution, Bush Institute, and Peterson Institute for International Economics. It has also collaborated with the World Economic Forum.


Nextrade Group is a data and analytics company that was established in 2013 by Dr. Kati Suomenin. The company was founded with the goal of using technology to facilitate trade and economic growth. Since its inception, Nextrade Group has worked with various clients, including governments, multilateral development banks, and Fortune 500 companies, to develop policy-relevant data products, analytics, and business solutions.

Over the years, Nextrade Group has built a distinctive track record in pioneering new global databases and initiatives on digital trade. The company has created databases on cross-border eCommerce development for the World Bank and USAID, digital trade analytics for the Asian Development Bank and Inter-American Development Bank, and a PPP in eCommerce development for USAID's Alliance for eTrade Development I and II.

In addition to its work with clients, Nextrade Group has also created seven global public-private partnerships with leading companies, international institutions, and governments. These partnerships are aimed at furthering the use of technologies and standards to facilitate trade and eCommerce.

Nextrade Group has a diverse set of clients, including MasterCard, FedEx, eBay, PayPal, Visa, Amazon, IBM, and Alibaba Group, as well as various government agencies and international organizations such as the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, U.S. Agency for International Development, and the UN Conference for Trade and Development.

The company has also collaborated with the World Economic Forum, a prominent international organization focused on public-private cooperation and advancing global economic growth.

Overall, since its establishment in 2013, Nextrade Group has established itself as a leader in the field of data and analytics, with a particular focus on using technology to facilitate trade and economic growth.


Nextrade Group's mission is to provide innovative, technology-driven solutions that enable companies to easily and quickly develop and expand their international business. It strives to make international trade simple, efficient, and cost-effective for its customers. 

The company provides comprehensive, customised strategies that enable companies to increase their global reach and grow their international revenues. 

According to its website:

“We are leveraging disruptive technologies in our work, and see particularly vast new opportunities in AI to improve the way economic development is measured and designed. Nextrade has a new AI practice to further solutions to the most intractable questions in international trade and economic development, at the most granular subnational levels.”


Nextrade is a company that specialises in creating innovative ideas and strategic partnerships to help its clients develop new lines of business and services. 

According to its website:

"We are idea-people that work best on a blank canvas. Nextrade is known to deliver to our clients groundbreaking ideas and new strategic partnerships that help clients create entirely new lines of business and services to their own clients. We do not sit and wait for clients to come: we think 4-5 years ahead, drive the agenda, and define what clients should focus on next.  Our sweetspot is to be the client's R&D and strategy department - in fact, much our work with our clients has first been ideated and developed at Nextrade. We, in short, are in the "Next". Our job is to take our clients there."

Key Team

Dr. Kati Suominen (Founder and CEO)

Bonaly Phrasavath (Digital Economy Analyst)

Michael Poor (Manager and Financial Services Lead)

Bassil Eid (eCommerce Development Lead)

Fabian Stachelin (eCommerce Development Lead)

Recognition and Awards
Since its establishment, Nextrade Group has been hired by more than 40 clients, to ideate, architect, and build policy-relevant data products, analytics, and business solutions to accelerate the use of such technologies as ecommerce, blockchain, and artificial intelligence in the global trade ecosystem. ?It has also created and built seven global public-private partnerships with leading companies, international institutions, and governments, aimed to further the use of technologies and standards to facilitate trade and ecommerce. ?It has built a distinctive track record in pioneering new global databases and initiatives on digital trade. Nextrade created the World Bank and USAID's first databases on cross-border ecommerce development, the first digital trade analytics for Asian Development Bank and Inter-American Development Bank, and USAID's first PPP in ecommerce development, Alliance for eTrade Development I and II.
Nextrade Group
Leadership team

Dr. Kati Suominen (Founder and CEO)

Bonaly Phrasavath (Digital Economy Analyst)

Fabian Stachelin (eCommerce Development Lead)

Michael Poor  (Manager and Financial Services Lead)

Bassil Eid (eCommerce Development Lead)



Products/ Services
policy-relevant data products, analytics, and business solutions for eCommerce, blockchain, and artificial intelligence in the global trade ecosystem
Number of Employees
0 - 50
El Segundo, CA
Social Media