Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

An intergovernmental organisation with 38 Member countries, founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Leadership team

Ludger Schuknecht  (Deputy Secretaries-General )

Ulrik Vestergaard  (Deputy Secretaries-General )

Knudsen  (Deputy Secretaries-General )

Masamichi Kono (Deputy Secretaries-General )

Mathias Cormann (Secretary-General)

Centres ; OECD 2, rue André Pascal 75775 Paris Cedex 16. France
Year stablished
Social Media

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organization that promotes economic development and cooperation among its member countries. It was established in 1961 and currently consists of 38 member countries, primarily from Europe, North America, and the Asia-Pacific region. The OECD serves as a platform for governments to discuss, coordinate, and collaborate on a wide range of economic and social issues. Here is a summary of the OECD's key characteristics and activities:

Objectives: The primary objective of the OECD is to promote policies that foster economic growth, improve living standards, and contribute to global prosperity. It aims to achieve this by facilitating dialogue and cooperation among member countries and providing evidence-based policy analysis and recommendations.

Policy Analysis and Research: The OECD conducts extensive research and analysis on a wide range of economic, social, and environmental issues. It produces reports, statistics, and indicators that help member countries identify challenges, evaluate policies, and formulate effective strategies. The organization's research covers areas such as macroeconomics, trade, education, health, taxation, innovation, and sustainable development.

Policy Recommendations: Based on its research and analysis, the OECD provides policy recommendations to member countries. These recommendations aim to address common challenges, promote best practices, and improve policy effectiveness. The OECD's recommendations often serve as benchmarks and guidelines for member countries in formulating and implementing their policies.

In summary, the OECD serves as a forum for economic cooperation, policy analysis, and peer learning among its member countries. Through its research, policy recommendations, and international standards, the organization contributes to promoting sustainable economic growth, improving social well-being, and addressing global challenges in a collaborative manner.


The Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) was established in 1948 with the primary purpose of administering American and Canadian aid under the Marshall Plan for the reconstruction of war-torn Europe. It played a crucial role in coordinating and distributing aid to European countries, facilitating their post-war recovery.

The OEEC originated from the work of the Committee of European Economic Co-operation in 1947, which was tasked with preparing for the implementation of the Marshall Plan. It officially began operations in April 1948 and was headquartered in the Château de la Muette in Paris, where it has remained since 1949.

During the 1950s, the OEEC became involved in negotiations to establish a European Free Trade Area, bringing together the European Economic Community and other OEEC members on a multilateral basis. Additionally, the OEEC established the European Nuclear Energy Agency in 1958 to focus on nuclear energy cooperation.

As the task of rebuilding Europe neared completion by the end of the 1950s, there was a growing sentiment among member countries that the OEEC needed to adapt and expand its mission beyond Europe. This led to discussions and meetings in Paris in 1960, resulting in the decision to transform the OEEC into an organization with a broader global mandate. The reconstituted organization aimed to address economic issues on a global scale and provide assistance to less developed countries.

The Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development was signed in December 1960 to reform the OEEC. The OECD officially superseded the OEEC in September 1961 and included the European founder countries of the OEEC, along with the United States and Canada, as its full members. Additional countries, such as Japan, Finland, Australia, and New Zealand, joined the organization in the following years.

The aims of the OECD, as stated in its convention, are to achieve sustainable economic growth, employment, and a rising standard of living in member countries, contribute to economic expansion globally, and promote the expansion of world trade.

Over the years, the OECD has expanded its activities and established specialized agencies such as the OECD Development Centre, International Energy Agency (IEA), and Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering.

It is important to note that while the OECD began as a European-focused organization, it evolved into a global platform for economic cooperation, policy analysis, and peer learning among its member countries. Its work encompasses a wide range of economic, social, and environmental issues, and it continues to play a significant role in shaping policies and promoting international cooperation to achieve sustainable development and prosperity.

Goals and Purpose

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has several overarching goals and purposes that guide its work. These goals are centered around promoting economic growth, improving living standards, and fostering global cooperation. Here are the key goals and objectives of the OECD:

Economic Growth and Employment: The OECD aims to support its member countries in achieving sustainable economic growth and creating more jobs. It provides policy advice, conducts research, and facilitates the exchange of best practices to enhance productivity, innovation, and competitiveness. The organization promotes policies that encourage entrepreneurship, investment, and the development of skills to drive economic growth and employment.

Financial Stability: The OECD seeks to maintain financial stability and strengthen the international financial system. It monitors economic and financial developments, conducts risk assessments, and provides policy recommendations to prevent and address financial crises. The organization promotes transparency, good governance, and effective regulation in the financial sector to ensure stability and protect against systemic risks.

Social Well-being: The OECD aims to improve people's well-being by addressing social challenges and inequalities. It focuses on areas such as education, health, social protection, and quality of life. The organization conducts research, analyzes social trends, and provides policy advice to help governments enhance social outcomes, reduce inequality, and promote inclusive societies.


The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has had a significant impact on its member countries and the international community through its work in various areas. Here are some key ways in which the OECD has made an impact:

Policy Formulation and Reform: The OECD's research and policy analysis have influenced policy formulation and reform in member countries. Its reports, studies, and policy recommendations serve as valuable resources for policymakers, providing evidence-based insights into best practices and policy approaches. The organization's work has helped shape reforms in areas such as education, healthcare, taxation, labor markets, and environmental protection, contributing to improved policy outcomes and economic performance.

Economic Development and Growth: The OECD's focus on promoting economic growth and employment has had a positive impact on member countries. Its policy advice and expertise have helped governments implement reforms that enhance productivity, innovation, and competitiveness. The organization's efforts to improve the business environment, promote entrepreneurship, and support small and medium-sized enterprises have contributed to economic development and job creation.

Social Well-being and Inclusion: The OECD's work on social issues has had a direct impact on improving social well-being and promoting inclusive societies. Its analysis of education systems, healthcare policies, social protection programs, and income distribution has led to policy reforms aimed at reducing inequalities and enhancing social outcomes. The organization's recommendations have helped member countries strengthen their social safety nets, improve access to quality education and healthcare,

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Leadership team

Ludger Schuknecht  (Deputy Secretaries-General )

Ulrik Vestergaard  (Deputy Secretaries-General )

Knudsen  (Deputy Secretaries-General )

Masamichi Kono (Deputy Secretaries-General )

Mathias Cormann (Secretary-General)

Centres ; OECD 2, rue André Pascal 75775 Paris Cedex 16. France
Year stablished
Social Media