QuHarrison Terry

QuHarrison Terry is an author and digital global expert growth marketer.
QuHarrison Terry
Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, United States
Author, marketer, tv host
Known for
Growth marketing, Co-Host of CNBC’s No Retreat: Business Bootcamp, Author of 'The Metaverse Handbook: Innovating for the Internet's Next Tectonic Shift' and 'the NFT Handbook'
Computer Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Social Media

QuHarrison Terry is an author and digital global expert growth marketer. QuHarrison is head of growth marketing at Mark Cuban Companies, a Dallas, Texas venture capital firm. A true personality in LinkedIn and digital marketing, QuHarrison has co-authored the NFT Handbook, a detailed guide on how to create, sell and buy non-fungible tokens without the need for a technical background, and more recently, The Metaverse Handbook: Innovating for the Internet's Next Tectonic Shift, a guide to every aspect of the technologies and cultural change related to the metaverse.

QuHarrison has also been featured on CNN, Huffington Post, Xconomy, Cointelegraph, MobiHealthNews, MedCity News, and as the Co-Host on CNBC’s No Retreat: Business Bootcamp, a series that centres around the philosophy of Wall Street famous broker Joe De Sena and materializes in his off-the-grid, elite Vermont training facility known as "The Farm". 

QuHarrison Terry made it 4 times as LinkedIn Top Voice in Tech for his contribution to digital marketing and technology.


QuHarrison Terry is a US-based author and digital global expert growth marketer. He is currently the head of growth marketing at Mark Cuban Companies, Dallas. 

Previously, he led marketing at Redox, focusing on lead acquisition, new user experience, events, and content marketing. In 2015, he co-founded 23VIVI the world’s first digital art marketplace powered by the blockchain. In 2021, he sold an NFT of the Worldstar Hip-Hop Chain for 121 ETH on Opensea. 

His media appearances include co-hosting CNBC’s No Retreat: Business Bootcamp, a series that centers around the philosophy of Joe De Sena and are materialized in his off-the-grid, elite Vermont training facility known as "The Farm". The former Wall Street broker turned serial entrepreneur and creator of the world's leading endurance sports and wellness brand Spartan, Joe challenges businesses with grueling, near-impossible physical and mental tasks to improve communication, galvanize teamwork, and ultimately help them emerge more resilient than ever.
Each episode features a different business with unique problems relating to financial failure, toxic workplace environments, and blurry company missions. On The Farm, the businesses undergo specifically tailored, often unorthodox, tasks and obstacles in order to identify weak links, help teams understand and overcome fear and failure, and teach mental (and physical) survival — all while highlighting business priorities and purpose.

Joe's hardcore, no-nonsense approach is hedged by his two co-hosts, QuHarrison Terry and Dr. Lara Pence, who are there to round out the universal guidance needed to fix the underlying problems these businesses face.

As a speaker and moderator QuHarrison has presented at CES, SXSW, TEDx, Marquette University, and the Open Data Science Conference.

QuHarrison has been focused on digital marketing throughout his career. Previously to working with Mark Cuban, he led marketing at Redox, focusing on lead acquisition, new user experience, events, and content marketing.

QuHarrison Terry was a global Spokesman for BMW – a German automotive company which produces luxury vehicles and motorcycles.

As an entrepreneur, he was the co-founder of Inevitable/Human – the futuristic media platform and community for future thinkers and co-founder of 23VIVI – the world’s first digital art marketplace powered by the blockchain.

As an author, he co-authored The NFT Handbook and The Metaverse Handbook: Innovating for the Internet's Next Tectonic Shift The Metaverse Handbook: Innovating for the Internet's Next Tectonic Shift. As the metaverse has rapidly become the technology platform and marketing buzzword of the future, this new reality for companies, creators, and consumers is not easily understood at the surface level. Those who aim to be at the forefront of this new arena must first understand the foundations and central technologies of the metaverse.

That’s the principle from where QuHarrison Terry and Scott Keeney build this step-by-step guide and a roadmap to the metaverse. Through dozens of metaverse creator case studies and concise, actionable insights, readers will walk away from this book understanding how to explore and implement the latest metaverse tech emerging from blockchain, XR, and web3.
Reviews of the book:

“Read on Blinkist 18 minutes. Great overview of the metaverse for the “C Suite” and others that may not yet be familiar with it. Info about NFTs and digital wallets how to use and grow one’s business with the metaverse.”  

The NFT Handbook

Author of The NFT Handbook – a detailed guide on how to create, sell and buy non-fungible tokens without the need for a technical background. Written by QuHarrison Terry and Matt Fortnow, both experts delve into the different types and aspects of NFTs and discuss the different NFT marketplaces and the pros and cons of each. They provide step-by-step instructions on all aspects of NFT creation including what types of content to use, where to source content, adding artistic design, writing the NFT’s description, adding optional unlockable content and setting an optional ongoing royalty.

They also show how to mint NFTs and teach the process of how to get your NFTs on the blockchain. They’ll go through the whole process including creating a collection, and the different options such as setting a price or starting an auction to sell NFTs. Also, what people need to bid on and purchase NFTs, and how to avoid getting scammed, including getting a primer on blockchain, particularly the Ethereum cryptocurrency and “gas” fees. Readers will also be shown step-by-step how to create, secure and fund your own cryptocurrency wallet, where you’ll store your NFTs and cryptocurrency.


His vision can be found in a recent interview with Dinis Guarda.

Early in the interview, QuHarrison introduced the metaverse as a spatial web that has digital domains to create the mixed reality of immersive perspectives. 

"Just consider it as the evolution of the internet as we are going beyond phones and tablets and into glasses and contact lenses. Things that we would need to transpose information readily in front of us in ways that we just hadn't thought of. So, there is new spatial awareness that is existing in the metaverse.", he explained.

The two experts discussed if the metaverse is what the world experiences in the present form of gaming. QuHarrisson shared his views taking the example of Roblox:

"I don't think video games are the best version of the metaverse to show people because they are not that different from what existed before. So, what's awesome about Roblox is we can all go into Roblox, and we can have experiences. It is a little by nature as far as the audience and the demographics, but it is all simultaneous, we are all in the world, and we can change, manipulate, and participate in that experience together. 

The video games 10-15 years ago could not handle all this, the technology wasn't there, and even the processing power needed to do that just wasn't there. So, I look at all that and think that we are all at the precipice."

Explaining the true nature of his vision of the metaverse, he added: 

“VR is not the final destination. We want to go beyond it, into XR, which is an immersive reality, and where things are going to get way closer to the futuristic idea and domain of a metaverse.”

“We have these instances where people are taking physical jobs and tasks, bringing them into the metaverse, creating virtual economies because taking the commodities that would traditionally be only available to physical existence saying they have value, people are confirming they have value by buying these scarce assets, and this creates a hyperloop because it happens so fast where there is value exchanged and people do have these things tied to their identity. The actions that are taking place today will probably only get amplified when the tools and platforms are a little bit more ubiquitous and it is a lot easier to manifest these new identities and exchange these virtual goods”.

Recognition and Awards
- 4 startups, 2 exits, 20+ years of lessons learned. - F50 Season 5 Finalist, Issued by F50 Founder Network, June 2015. - Red Herring Global 100 in 2011. - 4 times as LinkedIn Top Voice in Tech for his contribution to digital marketing and technology. - Co-Host on CNBC’s No Retreat: Business Bootcamp, a series that centres around the philosophy of Wall Street famous broker Joe De Sena.
QuHarrison Terry
Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, United States
Author, marketer, tv host
Known for
Growth marketing, Co-Host of CNBC’s No Retreat: Business Bootcamp, Author of 'The Metaverse Handbook: Innovating for the Internet's Next Tectonic Shift' and 'the NFT Handbook'
Computer Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Social Media