Sabih Khan

Sabih Khan is a prominent executive at Apple Inc., serving as the Senior Vice President of Operations.
Sabih Khan
Senior Vice President of Operations at Apple Inc.
Known for
Leadership at Apple Inc.
BSc. in Economics and Mechanical Engineering from Tufts University, MSc. in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

Sabih Khan is a prominent executive at Apple Inc., serving as the Senior Vice President of Operations and reporting to Chief Operating Officer Jeff Williams. In this role, Khan is responsible for overseeing Apple's global supply chain, ensuring product quality, and managing various functions such as planning, procurement, manufacturing, logistics, and product fulfilment. Additionally, he leads Apple's supplier responsibility programs, which focus on safeguarding and educating workers at production facilities worldwide.

Khan's responsibilities extend beyond operations, as he and his team actively support Apple's environmental initiatives. By collaborating with suppliers, they drive green manufacturing practices to conserve resources and protect the planet.

With a career spanning over two decades at Apple, Khan has played a pivotal role in successfully delivering each of Apple's innovative products to the market. Prior to joining Apple in 1995, he worked as an applications development engineer and key account technical leader at GE Plastics. Khan holds bachelor's degrees in Economics and Mechanical Engineering from Tufts University, as well as a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI).

In his leadership position, Khan continues to report to Jeff Williams, and his expertise in operations and supply chain management has been instrumental in Apple's success. Highly regarded by his colleagues, Khan is known for his commitment to customer satisfaction, respect for workers' rights, and dedication to environmental sustainability.

Born in 1966 in Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India, Khan's educational journey took him from India to Singapore before pursuing his Mechanical Engineering degree in the United States. His impressive background, combined with his extensive experience in operations and supply chain management, has solidified his position as an exceptional leader within Apple.


Sabih Khan is the Senior Vice President of Operations at Apple Inc., reporting to Chief Operating Officer Jeff Williams. In his role, Khan is responsible for overseeing Apple's global supply chain, ensuring product quality, and managing various functions such as planning, procurement, manufacturing, logistics, and product fulfilment. Additionally, he leads Apple's supplier responsibility programs, which aim to protect and educate workers at production facilities worldwide.

Khan and his Operations team also contribute to Apple's environmental initiatives by collaborating with suppliers to promote green manufacturing practices, conserve resources, and protect the planet. Their efforts have included driving sales across the global supply chain and spearheading manufacturing innovations, such as the development and scaling of a new aluminium alloy that enables the use of 100% recycled aluminium in MacBook Air and Mac Mini.

Having joined Apple in 1995, Sabih Khan has played a crucial role in bringing each of Apple's innovative products to market. Prior to joining Apple, he worked as an applications development engineer and key account technical leader at GE Plastics. Khan holds bachelor's degrees in Economics and Mechanical Engineering from Tufts University, as well as a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI).

As a leader, Khan is known for his dedication to delivering exceptional customer experiences, treating workers with dignity and respect, and prioritizing environmental sustainability. Apple CEO Tim Cook commended Khan and his global team for their commitment to these values, ensuring unmatched experiences for customers and safeguarding the environment for future generations.

In his continued role, Sabih Khan reports directly to Jeff Williams, maintaining a strong partnership within Apple's leadership team. Williams praised Khan's talents and extensive experience, highlighting their collaboration spanning over two decades. He expressed confidence in Khan's leadership, believing him to be the best operations executive in Apple's history.

Beyond his professional accomplishments, Sabih Khan's personal background reveals that he was born in 1966 and hails from Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. After completing fifth grade in India, his family relocated to Singapore, where he pursued his education. Khan later pursued Mechanical Engineering in the United States, earning his degrees while building a successful career at Apple.


Sabih Khan, the senior vice president of operations at Apple, has a clear vision for his role in overseeing Apple's global supply chain and ensuring operational excellence. With 24 years of experience at Apple, Khan has proven himself to be a reliable and talented operations executive.

Khan's vision centres around the relentless pursuit of excellence and efficiency in Apple's operations. He understands the critical importance of a well-managed global supply chain, which is responsible for sourcing and processing materials necessary for Apple's computers and smartphones. His role involves overseeing the planning, procurement, manufacturing, logistics, and product fulfilment functions.

One anecdote from Khan's career highlights his dedication and reliability. In a meeting where a problem in Asia was being discussed, Apple's CEO at the time, Tim Cook, called upon Khan and asked him why he was still present if the issue required someone in China. Without hesitation, Khan immediately left the meeting, headed to the airport, and flew to China to address the problem directly. This incident showcases Khan's commitment to taking immediate action and resolving issues swiftly.

Throughout his tenure at Apple, Khan has contributed to the successful delivery of several groundbreaking products, including the iPhone and the Apple Watch. His leadership and collaborative approach have earned him the trust and respect of his colleagues. Jeff Williams, Apple's chief operating officer, has expressed confidence in Khan's abilities, stating that he believes Khan will be the best leader the operations team has ever had.

Khan's vision aligns with Apple's commitment to delivering exceptional customer experiences, treating workers with dignity and respect, and protecting the environment. By partnering with suppliers to propel green manufacturing practices and conserve resources, Khan and his team actively contribute to Apple's environmental initiatives.

As senior vice president of operations, Sabih Khan aims to lead with a focus on efficiency, innovation, and environmental sustainability. His extensive experience, dedication, and collaborative leadership style position him as a vital asset in Apple's ongoing success.

Sabih Khan
Senior Vice President of Operations at Apple Inc.
Known for
Leadership at Apple Inc.
BSc. in Economics and Mechanical Engineering from Tufts University, MSc. in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)