Sandra Aistars

Sandra Aistars is a prominent figure in the field of intellectual property and copyright law.
Sandra Aistars
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Director, George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School’s Arts & Entertainment Advocacy Clinic; Senior Scholar, Center for Intellectual Property x Innovation Policy
Known for
Law, Copyright, Art and Culture, Intellectual Property
Bard College (BA, Political Science, History/Philosophy), University of Baltimore School of Law
Social Media

Sandra Aistars is a prominent figure in the field of intellectual property and copyright law. She currently holds the position of Clinical Professor at George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School, where she leads the Arts & Entertainment Program. In addition, Aistars serves as the Senior Fellow for Copyright Research and Policy and is a Senior Scholar at the Center for Intellectual Property x Innovation Policy (C-IP2).

With a career spanning over two decades, Aistars has gained extensive experience advocating for copyright and intellectual property owners. She has actively participated in trade missions and advised the Department of Commerce on intellectual property matters related to international trade negotiations. Aistars has worked on legislative and regulatory issues on a global scale and is frequently called upon to testify before Congress and federal agencies regarding intellectual property concerns. Her expertise has led her to chair cross-industry coalitions and contribute to technology standards efforts.

Before joining Scalia Law, Aistars held the position of Chief Executive Officer at the Copyright Alliance, a nonprofit organization dedicated to representing the interests of artists and creators across various creative fields. She maintains her involvement with the Copyright Alliance as a member of its Academic Advisory Board. Aistars serves on the boards of the Washington Area Lawyers for the Arts (WALA) and the Howard Intellectual Property Program (HIPP) and has previously served as a trustee of the Copyright Society of the USA (CSUSA). Earlier in her career, she worked as Vice President and Associate General Counsel at Time Warner Inc. and began her legal profession at the law firm Weil, Gotshal and Manges LLP.

Professor Sandra Aistars' vast experience and expertise in copyright and intellectual property have positioned her as a sought-after lecturer and advisor for government agencies. She frequently participates in U.S. government-sponsored study tours, sharing her knowledge with visiting legislators, judges, prosecutors, and regulators.

Through her multifaceted roles, Sandra Aistars has made significant contributions to the field of intellectual property law and continues to be a respected figure in academia, advocacy, and policy-making in the arts and entertainment industry.


Sandra Aistars is a highly accomplished legal professional specializing in intellectual property and copyright law. She currently serves as a Clinical Professor at George Mason University School of Law, where she leads the Arts & Entertainment Advocacy Program. Aistars also holds the positions of Senior Scholar and Director of Copyright Research and Policy at the Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property (CPIP), affiliated with the law school.

Throughout her extensive career spanning nearly two decades, Aistars has been actively involved in advocating for copyright and intellectual property owners. Her roles have required her to possess a deep understanding of intellectual property issues, federal policy development, and the ability to navigate the complex implications of intellectual property policies across various businesses. She has worked closely with policymakers in Washington and internationally, serving as an industry advisor to the Department of Commerce on intellectual property matters related to international trade negotiations. Aistars has also worked on legislative and regulatory initiatives on a global scale, regularly testified before Congress and federal agencies, and chaired cross-industry coalitions and technology standards efforts. Her expertise is highly regarded, leading government agencies to invite her to lecture on intellectual property matters during U.S. government-sponsored study tours for visiting legislators, judges, prosecutors, and regulators.

Prior to joining George Mason University School of Law, Aistars held the position of Chief Executive Officer at the Copyright Alliance, a nonprofit organization dedicated to representing the interests of artists and creators across various creative fields. Even while at George Mason, Aistars continues to collaborate with the Copyright Alliance as a member of its Academic Advisory Board. She has also served as Vice President and Associate General Counsel at Time Warner Inc., where she served as the head intellectual property lawyer for the company. Aistars began her legal career in private practice at Weil, Gotshal and Manges LLP, specializing in copyright and technology.

Aistars holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science, History/Philosophy from Bard College. She earned her Juris Doctor degree from the University of Baltimore School of Law, graduating summa cum laude. During her time at law school, Aistars served as the Executive Editor of the Law Review.

In addition to her professional achievements, Aistars has made notable contributions to the field through her publications. One such publication is "The Next Great Copyright Act or a New Great Copyright Agency?: Responding to Register Maria Pallante's Manges Lecture," which appeared in The Columbia Journal of Law and the Arts.

Sandra Aistars' extensive experience, expertise, and dedication to the field of intellectual property and copyright law have positioned her as a leading authority in the industry. Her contributions through academia, advocacy, and policy-making have significantly influenced the protection and promotion of intellectual property rights for artists and creators.


Sandra Aistars has a visionary perspective on the intersection of law, copyright, art and culture, and intellectual property. Throughout her career, she has been dedicated to promoting a balanced and forward-thinking approach to these areas, ensuring the protection of rights while fostering innovation and creativity.

In the realm of law, Aistars believes in the power of legal frameworks to create a fair and just society. She recognizes the importance of intellectual property laws in providing incentives for innovation, encouraging creativity, and safeguarding the rights of creators. Aistars envisions a legal landscape that effectively addresses the complexities of the digital age, where emerging technologies and new forms of artistic expression require innovative legal solutions. She advocates for laws that strike a balance between protecting intellectual property rights and fostering an environment conducive to creativity and cultural exchange.

As an advocate for copyright, Aistars understands the vital role it plays in supporting artists and creators. She recognizes that copyright serves as a crucial economic and moral foundation for artists, providing them with the ability to control and benefit from their creative works. Aistars emphasizes the importance of a robust copyright system that encourages investment in creative endeavours and enables artists to earn a fair living from their work. She also recognizes the need to adapt copyright laws to address the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital era, where the dissemination and consumption of creative works have undergone significant transformations.

In the realm of art and culture, Aistars is passionate about supporting and promoting the diverse expressions of human creativity. She recognizes the cultural and economic significance of the arts and believes in the importance of creating an environment that nurtures artistic innovation and cultural preservation. Aistars envisions a society where artists and cultural institutions thrive, where their contributions are respected, and where artistic expression is valued and protected.

Regarding intellectual property, Aistars believes in the power of innovation and the transformative potential of ideas. She recognizes that intellectual property rights are essential for driving innovation, encouraging investment in research and development, and promoting technological progress. Aistars envisions an intellectual property system that fosters collaboration, respects the rights of creators and inventors, and enables the dissemination of knowledge and ideas for the betterment of society as a whole.

Sandra Aistars
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Director, George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School’s Arts & Entertainment Advocacy Clinic; Senior Scholar, Center for Intellectual Property x Innovation Policy
Known for
Law, Copyright, Art and Culture, Intellectual Property
Bard College (BA, Political Science, History/Philosophy), University of Baltimore School of Law
Social Media