Society 5.0 institute

A Smart Society Association


Society 5.0 institute
Leadership team

Y?ld?z Tu?ba Kurtulu? Kara (President)



Products/ Services
ESG, digital transformation
London, England, United Kingdom
Social Media

Society 5.0 Institute is a social enterprise committed to fostering social innovations serving SDGs through mission-oriented use of technology.


With a group of professionals specialised in digital transformation, futurism, the philosophy of science, and emerging technologies, Society 5.0 Institute analyses the best practices from all over the world and produce policy recommendations. It aims to ensure that technology is not something happens to us, but it is something we use to serve our needs and wants. Society 5.0 Institute claims that the new technological shifts necessitate a new social contract to cope with emerging societal challenges and engage the foremost political, business, and other thought leaders of society to shape their agendas.


“Society 5.0. will follow the hunting, agricultural, industrial, and information societies. It achieves a high degree of convergence between virtual and physical space. Society 5.0. Institute is committed to improving our understanding about the new phase. We engage the foremost political, business and other thought leaders of society to shape their agendas.” – Y. Tugba Kurtulus Kara, PhD, President of Society 5.0. Institute


The President expanded on the vision of the company in one of her recent LinkedIn posts: “Society 5.0 vision is not only relevant for the corporate world. Smart Power is coming to the fore after hard power and soft power. Military digitalisation, cyber attacks, inclusive and expansive thinking about security taking water and food security as well as social instability into consideration, diversity of thought and reaching out to tech talent are all Society 5.0-related security agenda items for the security professionals.”

Recognition and Awards
Co-founder and President of Society 5.0 Institute Dr. Y?ld?z Tugba KARA was awarded “Iconic Women Creating a Better World for All” at the Women Economic Forum Banglore 2020 Global Summit for her endeavours on Society 5.0.

Dive deeper into fresh insights across Business, Industry Leaders and Influencers, Organizations, Education, and Investors for a comprehensive view.

Society 5.0 institute
Leadership team

Y?ld?z Tu?ba Kurtulu? Kara (President)



Products/ Services
ESG, digital transformation
London, England, United Kingdom
Social Media