Mr. Harold Y. H. Boel (CEO, Member of the Exec. Committee & Director)
Mr. Francois Gillet (Chief Investment Officer & Member of Exec. Committee)
Mr. Xavier Coirbay (Member of Exec. Committee)
The company was founded in 1898. It was led from 1905 until 1955 by the Belgian-American engineer of German origin Dannie Heineman . Historically, the company owned the Anglo-Argentine Tramways Company, which was one of the largest tram operators in the world at the time. From 1955 on, the current family shareholders started to invest. Yves Boël is appointed Director in 1956. In 1964, the Boël family took control together with Société Générale de Belgique.
Key Team
Mr. Victor Casier (Member of Exec. Committee)
Mr. Edward Johan Koopman (Member of the Exec. Committee)
Mr. Wauthier de Bassompierre (Gen. Sec. & Member of Exec. Committee)
Mr. Jean-François Lambert (Head of Operations)
Emilie van de Walle de Ghelcke (Head of Legal)
Mr. Pascal Bossiroy (Head of HR)
Ms. Carine Leroy (Head of Talent)
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Mr. Harold Y. H. Boel (CEO, Member of the Exec. Committee & Director)
Mr. Francois Gillet (Chief Investment Officer & Member of Exec. Committee)
Mr. Xavier Coirbay (Member of Exec. Committee)