Türk Telekom
Mr. Ümit Önal (CEO, Director, GM and Acting Assistant GM of Marketing & Customer Care)
Mr. Kaan Aktan (Assistant Gen. Mang. of Fin.)
Mr. Yusuf Kiraç (Assistant Gen. Mang. of Technology)
1994, February 23, Turkey met with GSM technology. GSM was put into service firstly for its subscribers in Ankara, ?stanbul, and ?zmir.
1995, April 24, By separating the telecommunication and postal services in PTT from each other, Türk Telekomünikasyon A.?. was founded.
1998, April 27, GSM network was transferred to the firms Turkcell and Telsim for 25 years by giving license.
1999, June, asymmetric digital subscriber line was put into service in order to provide high-speed voice and image communication on
2000, Cable Internet applications were started on cable TV.
January 8, Aycell Haberlesme ve Pazarlama Hizmetleri A.S. was founded.
March 21, I?-TIM Telekomünikasyon Services Inc. started to operate with the commercial name of ARIA
February 19, TT&TIM Communication Services Inc., established by the merger of Türk Telekom's GSM Operator Aycell and ??-T?M, was officially founded.
October 15, The commercial name of “TT&TIM Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.” was changed as “Avea Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.”
July 22, Türksat A.?. was established and started operating separately from Türk Telekom.
2005, November 14, Türk Telekom's privatization was complete and 55% shares of Türk Telekom was sold to Oger Telecom's Joint Venture Group.
2006, September 15, Türk Telekom acquired ??-T?M's 40.56% share in Avea for $500 million and Türk Telekom's share in Avea increased to 81.12%.
2008, May 15, The initial public offering for 15% of Türk Telekom shares was completed and the shares started trading on the Istanbul Stock Exchange.
2009, July, Avea launches 3G services.
2018, December 22, Oger Telekom's creditors take control of Türk Telekom due to billions of dollars in unpaid debt.
2022 Turkish Wealth Fund bought %55 of the company, taken back from Oger Telekom.
Key Team
Gulsen Ayaz (Investor Relations Director)
Süleyman Kisac (Corp. Governance and Compliance Mang.)
Mr. Tahsin Kaplan (Assistant Gen. Mang. of Legal & Regulation)
Dr. Mehmet Beytur (Assistant GM of Support Services & Procurement Management and Acting Assistant GM of HR)
Mr. Ali Gürsoy (Head of Enterprise Risk & Bus. Continuity)
Mr. Mehmet Emre Vural (Assistant Gen. Mang. of HR)
Dr. Nazif Burca (CEO Advisor)
Recognition and Awards
Mr. Ümit Önal (CEO, Director, GM and Acting Assistant GM of Marketing & Customer Care)
Mr. Kaan Aktan (Assistant Gen. Mang. of Fin.)
Mr. Yusuf Kiraç (Assistant Gen. Mang. of Technology)