Union of African Chambers of Commerce in Switzerland (UCCAS)

The Union of African Chambers of Commerce in Switzerland (UCCAS) is the result of the union of the 15 African Chambers of Commerce in Switzerland.
Union of African Chambers of Commerce in Switzerland (UCCAS)
Leadership team

Alain-Claude Nkurunziza (President)

Dr. Gustave Nguene (VICE PRESIDENT)


Tanaka Chibanda (Board Member)

Genève, Suisse
Year stablished
Rue du Pré-de-la-Bichette 1, Genève, Suisse 1202, CH
Social Media

The Union of African Chambers of Commerce in Switzerland (UCCAS) is a collective organization formed by the union of 15 African chambers of commerce in Switzerland. Each chamber operates as an independent association under private law, with voluntary membership. The presidency of UCCAS rotates among the different chambers periodically.

UCCAS has a threefold mission. It aims to promote the affiliated chambers of commerce and foster the development of common services. Further, it seeks to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences among Cantonal Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCIs). UCCAS also represents the CCIs in various institutions and authorities, acting as their voice and advocating for their interests.

UCCAS has established partnerships with several companies, including VICI Swiss Competitive Intelligence, which specializes in protecting businesses, institutions, and individuals against data theft; KLK Vision, a company focused on optimizing accounting and administrative procedures through traditional and cloud accounting services; Swiss safes & Patrimoine SA, which provides secure bank safes in Geneva; Mauborget Group, a diversified business development company with partnerships and projects in Switzerland; and The African Hospitality School, which combines internationally accredited hospitality education with a professional hotel operation and training facility in Africa.

The creation of UCCAS signifies an important stride towards strengthening and streamlining the commercial partnership between Switzerland and Africa's private sector. With Africa's growing potential and its status as a battleground for influence, UCCAS aims to inform a wider audience about the African economy through initiatives such as a planned weekly television program. Furthermore, UCCAS supports companies like VICI Swiss Intelligence in their provision of cyber intelligence and counterintelligence solutions, as well as training programs for the emerging field of cyber intelligence and analysis, empowering African youth, businesses, and governments to protect themselves and thrive in the markets.


The Union of African Chambers of Commerce in Switzerland (UCCAS) has a rich history that stems from the union of the 15 chambers of African trade in Switzerland. Each chamber operates as an association governed under private law, with membership being voluntary. The presidency of UCCAS changes periodically, rotating among the different individual chambers. UCCAS has a clear mission, which includes the promotion of affiliated chambers of commerce and the development of common services, the exchange of knowledge and experiences between Cantonal Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCIs), and the representation of CCIs in various institutions and authorities.

UCCAS has established valuable partnerships with reputable companies. VICI Swiss Competitive Intelligence, for instance, is a prominent partner that specializes in protecting companies, institutions, and individuals against data theft. Their expertise in gathering intelligence from the dark web to the surface web allows them to anticipate threats, prevent attacks, and safeguard business operations. Another partner, KLK Vision, specializes in optimizing accounting and administrative procedures. They offer both traditional fiduciary services and cloud accounting solutions, which streamline finance departments by leveraging cloud technology. Swiss safes & Patrimoine SA, another partner, provides secure bank safes for rent in Geneva, offering state-of-the-art security and total protection for valuable assets. Their solution is independent of the banking system and ensures discreet access to stored valuables. Additionally, the Mauborget Group, established in 2013, covers various areas of businesses and development, including hospitality consulting, consumer goods retail, business development services, training, and vocational education. Their significant business partnerships and projects with Switzerland contribute to UCCAS's network.

In line with its mission, UCCAS plays a pivotal role in fostering closer and more efficient commercial partnerships between Switzerland and Africa's private sector. By representing over 15 independent African chambers of commerce in Switzerland and 15 African markets, UCCAS aims to promote trade and investment between Swiss and African businesses. The organization facilitates the establishment of companies in both regions, enabling them to tap into the vast opportunities available. Recognizing Africa's strategic importance and immense potential, UCCAS seeks to inform a wide audience about the African economy. One of their initiatives includes the plan to create a weekly television program dedicated to the African economy. This program will provide companies with visibility and help them reach their target audience effectively.

An example of a Swiss company benefiting from UCCAS's support is VICI Swiss Intelligence. This company specializes in cyber intelligence and counterintelligence, offering expertise and solutions to combat data threats both within Switzerland and globally. As Africa increasingly embraces digital transformation, VICI Swiss Intelligence also provides training for new cyber intelligence and cyber analyst professions, aiming to educate African youth, businesses, and governments to enhance their protection and self-reliance in the markets.

In 2023, the Swiss Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry joined UCCAS. With its primary mission to create links between Switzerland and Zambia, this collaboration between UCCAS and the Swiss Zambia Chamber of Commerce opens up new opportunities and strengthens the ties between the two institutions.

Goals and Purpose

Access to information and advice on African markets: UCCAS provides its members with valuable information and advice on African markets, including regulatory frameworks, tax regulations, and labor laws. This enables companies to navigate the complexities of doing business in Africa and make informed decisions.

Business development opportunities in Africa: By joining UCCAS, companies gain access to the association's expertise in business development in Africa. UCCAS maintains strong links with African chambers of commerce and industry, facilitating valuable connections and opportunities for its members to expand their business presence in the African market.

Network of professional contacts: Membership in UCCAS allows companies to expand their network of professional contacts. This provides opportunities for collaboration, partnerships, and establishing lasting business relationships with companies and professionals in Africa, fostering mutually beneficial exchanges.

Participation in trade missions and networking events: UCCAS organizes regular trade missions to Africa, providing members with the opportunity to explore new market opportunities, meet potential partners, and gain first-hand insights into the local business landscape. Additionally, networking events organized by UCCAS offer platforms for connecting with key stakeholders and decision-makers in both Swiss and African business communities.

Training and support for business creation: UCCAS offers training programs and support for businesses looking to establish their presence in Africa. This includes guidance in various areas such as management, marketing, and product development, equipping companies with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in the African market.


The Union of African Chambers of Commerce in Switzerland (UCCAS) has made a significant impact in promoting trade and investment between Switzerland and African businesses. By bringing together over 15 independent African chambers of commerce in Switzerland and 15 African markets, UCCAS has created a platform for closer and more efficient commercial partnerships.

One of the key achievements of UCCAS is the facilitation of business establishment in both regions. Through its network and expertise, UCCAS assists companies in navigating the complexities of operating in Switzerland and African markets. This support enables businesses to expand their operations, explore new market opportunities, and establish valuable connections with potential partners.

UCCAS also plays a vital role in informing a wide audience about the African economy. Recognizing the continent's strategic importance and exponential population growth, UCCAS plans to create a weekly television program dedicated to the African economy. This program will provide visibility to companies looking to reach their target audience and contribute to a better understanding of the economic landscape in Africa.

Furthermore, UCCAS supports Swiss companies like VICI Swiss Intelligence, which specializes in cyber intelligence and counterintelligence. With UCCAS's assistance, VICI Swiss Intelligence is able to offer its expertise and solutions in intelligence and counterintelligence within Switzerland and globally. Additionally, VICI Swiss Intelligence provides training programs to equip African youth, businesses, and governments with the necessary knowledge and skills to enhance their cybersecurity measures and be proactive in the evolving digital landscape.

Union of African Chambers of Commerce in Switzerland (UCCAS)
Leadership team

Alain-Claude Nkurunziza (President)

Dr. Gustave Nguene (VICE PRESIDENT)


Tanaka Chibanda (Board Member)

Genève, Suisse
Year stablished
Rue du Pré-de-la-Bichette 1, Genève, Suisse 1202, CH
Social Media