United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

UNEP is responsible for coordinating responses to environmental issues within the United Nations system
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Leadership team

Inger Andersen  (Executive Director)

UN Environment Programme United Nations Avenue, Gigiri Nairobi, Kenya P.O. Box 30552, 00100. Nairobi, Kenya
Year stablished
Social Media

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is a leading global organization dedicated to promoting sustainable development and addressing environmental challenges. UNEP's main objective is to provide leadership and encourage partnerships in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising future generations. Here is a summary of UNEP's key areas of focus and activities:

Environmental Governance: UNEP works to strengthen environmental governance at the global, regional, and national levels. It supports the development and implementation of environmental policies, laws, and regulations, and assists countries in building institutional capacity for effective environmental management.

Climate Change: UNEP plays a crucial role in addressing climate change by supporting international efforts such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement. It assists countries in adapting to climate change impacts, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting renewable energy and sustainable practices.

Ecosystem Management: UNEP works to conserve and sustainably manage ecosystems, including forests, oceans, and biodiversity-rich areas. It supports initiatives for protected areas, ecosystem restoration, sustainable land and water management, and the conservation of biodiversity.

Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Consumption: UNEP promotes resource efficiency and sustainable consumption patterns by advocating for the adoption of sustainable production practices, waste reduction, recycling, and the development of green industries. It raises awareness about the importance of sustainable consumption choices and supports the transition to a circular economy.


The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has a rich history dating back to the early years of the United Nations. Here is an overview of its key milestones:

1972: The Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment: UNEP's origins can be traced back to the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm, Sweden, in June 1972. This conference marked a turning point in global environmental awareness and led to the establishment of UNEP. Its main objective was to promote international cooperation in addressing environmental challenges.

1973: Establishment of UNEP: Following the Stockholm Conference, the United Nations General Assembly established UNEP as the leading global environmental authority on 15 December 1972. UNEP was created to coordinate international environmental activities, provide guidance to member states, and promote sustainable development.

1992: The Rio Earth Summit: The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the Rio Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 1992, was a pivotal moment for UNEP. The summit resulted in the adoption of key agreements such as the Rio Declaration, Agenda 21, and the establishment of the Commission on Sustainable Development. UNEP's role was further strengthened, and sustainable development became a central focus of its work.

2002: World Summit on Sustainable Development: UNEP played a critical role in the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2002. The summit aimed to review progress made since the Rio Earth Summit and address new challenges. UNEP actively participated in shaping the summit's outcomes and emphasized the need for sustainable consumption and production patterns.

2012: Strengthening UNEP: In recognition of the importance of environmental issues and the need for a stronger international environmental governance framework, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution in 2012 to strengthen UNEP's role and authority. This decision led to the establishment of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) as the highest-level global environmental decision-making forum.

Goals and Purpose

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has a set of goals and a comprehensive proposal aimed at addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainable development. These goals and proposals encompass various areas of environmental concern and reflect UNEP's commitment to global cooperation and action. Here are the key goals and proposals of UNEP:

Climate Action: UNEP recognizes the urgent need to combat climate change and supports the goals of the Paris Agreement. It aims to facilitate global climate action by promoting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, supporting adaptation to climate change impacts, and promoting the transition to renewable energy sources.

Biodiversity Conservation: UNEP is committed to conserving biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources. It supports the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and works to protect ecosystems, promote sustainable land and water management practices, and combat wildlife trafficking and illegal trade.

Sustainable Consumption and Production: UNEP advocates for sustainable consumption and production patterns to ensure efficient use of resources and reduce environmental impacts. It promotes the adoption of sustainable practices in industries, encourages the development of green technologies, and raises awareness about responsible consumption choices.

Pollution Prevention and Waste Management: UNEP addresses various forms of pollution, including air and water pollution, hazardous chemicals, and marine litter. It promotes pollution prevention strategies, supports the development of sound waste management systems, and advocates for the reduction and elimination of harmful substances.

Sustainable Development Goals Integration: UNEP actively supports the integration of environmental considerations into broader development agendas. It works towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), promoting synergies between environmental protection, poverty eradication, and social inclusion.


The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has had a significant impact on global environmental protection, sustainable development, and the well-being of communities and ecosystems worldwide. Its work has led to numerous positive outcomes and transformations. Here are some key impacts of UNEP's initiatives:

International Environmental Cooperation: UNEP has played a vital role in promoting international cooperation and collaboration on environmental issues. By facilitating dialogue, knowledge exchange, and policy coordination among governments, UNEP has helped build consensus and drive collective action towards common environmental goals.

Climate Change Action: UNEP has been a leading advocate for addressing climate change. Through its support for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement, UNEP has mobilized global efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, promote renewable energy, and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Its work has contributed to raising awareness, shaping policies, and facilitating the implementation of climate action plans.

Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Management: UNEP has played a crucial role in promoting biodiversity conservation and sustainable ecosystem management. By supporting the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and other international agreements, UNEP has helped countries develop and implement strategies for protected areas, habitat restoration, sustainable land and water management, and wildlife conservation. Its initiatives have contributed to the preservation of ecosystems and the protection of endangered species.

Pollution Prevention and Waste Management: UNEP has been instrumental in addressing various forms of pollution and promoting sound waste management practices. Through its initiatives, UNEP has raised awareness about the impacts of pollution, supported the development and implementation of pollution prevention strategies, and advocated for the reduction and elimination of harmful substances. Its work has contributed to cleaner air and water, reduced pollution levels, and improved waste management practices in many regions.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Leadership team

Inger Andersen  (Executive Director)

UN Environment Programme United Nations Avenue, Gigiri Nairobi, Kenya P.O. Box 30552, 00100. Nairobi, Kenya
Year stablished
Social Media