United Nations Industrial Development Organization

The UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), also known as Organisation des Nations unies pour le développement industriel (in French) or ONUDI (in French/Spanish acronym), is a specialized agency under the United Nations, which supports countries
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Leadership team

Gerd Müller (Director-General)

Vienna, Austria
Year stablished
Vienna International Centre, Wagramer Str. 5, 1220 Vienna, Austria.
Social Media

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is a specialized agency under the United Nations that aims to promote and support sustainable industrial development in developing countries and countries in transition. UNIDO's primary objective is to enhance economic growth and reduce poverty by helping countries increase their productive capacities, create jobs, and integrate into the global economy in a sustainable and inclusive manner. UNIDO works with governments, the private sector, and civil society to develop and implement programs and projects that foster industrialization, promote innovation, and improve environmental sustainability.


The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) was established in 1966 as a specialized agency of the United Nations. The idea for the creation of UNIDO was proposed in the early 1960s by several developing countries, who saw the need for an international organization that would focus on promoting industrial development and technical cooperation among nations.

The first UNIDO conference was held in Vienna, Austria, in November 1966, and was attended by representatives from 83 countries. At this conference, the UNIDO constitution was adopted, which laid out the organization's mandate and objectives.

In its early years, UNIDO focused on promoting the transfer of technology and know-how to developing countries, particularly in the areas of industrial production and management. The organization also played a key role in helping countries to develop their industrial infrastructure, including providing technical assistance for the construction of factories, power plants, and transportation networks.

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, UNIDO continued to expand its programs and activities, with a growing emphasis on sustainable development and environmental protection. The organization helped countries to develop policies and strategies for promoting environmentally sustainable industrial growth, and provided technical assistance for the implementation of these policies.

In the 1990s, UNIDO's focus shifted towards promoting industrial competitiveness and the integration of developing countries into the global economy. The organization worked with governments, the private sector, and civil society to develop policies and programs that would help countries to attract foreign investment, improve their export competitiveness, and integrate into global value chains.

In recent years, UNIDO has continued to evolve and adapt to new challenges and priorities in the global development agenda. The organization has placed a growing emphasis on the role of industrial development in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in the areas of poverty reduction, job creation, and environmental sustainability.

Goals and Purpose

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has several goals that it aims to achieve in its efforts to promote sustainable industrial development. These goals include:

Poverty reduction: UNIDO aims to help reduce poverty in developing countries by promoting industrialization and creating job opportunities. By increasing the productivity of local industries, UNIDO helps to create sustainable income streams for individuals and communities.

Environmental sustainability: UNIDO recognizes the importance of environmental sustainability in industrial development. The organization aims to promote the adoption of cleaner production methods and technologies, as well as the implementation of sustainable industrial policies and practices.

Inclusive and sustainable industrial development: UNIDO aims to promote inclusive and sustainable industrial development that takes into account the needs and aspirations of all stakeholders, including women, youth, and marginalized communities.

Innovation and technology transfer: UNIDO works to promote innovation and technology transfer in developing countries, particularly in the areas of renewable energy, green technologies, and digitalization.

To achieve these goals, UNIDO proposes several strategies and initiatives, including:

Developing national and regional industrial strategies: UNIDO works with governments and stakeholders to develop national and regional industrial strategies that take into account local needs and resources.

Strengthening industrial infrastructure: UNIDO provides technical assistance and capacity building support to help countries strengthen their industrial infrastructure, including the development of transport networks, energy systems, and communication technologies.

Promoting private sector development: UNIDO works with the private sector to promote investment, job creation, and economic growth in developing countries. This includes providing support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), promoting entrepreneurship, and facilitating access to finance.

Fostering innovation and technology transfer: UNIDO promotes innovation and technology transfer through a range of initiatives, including technology parks, incubators, and partnerships with research institutions.


The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has had a significant impact on promoting sustainable industrial development in developing countries and countries in transition. Some of the key impacts of UNIDO's work include:

Job creation: UNIDO's support for the development of local industries has helped to create new job opportunities and increase income levels in many developing countries. For example, UNIDO's investment promotion activities have led to the creation of over 600,000 jobs in Ethiopia alone.

Economic growth: By promoting industrialization, UNIDO has helped to stimulate economic growth in many developing countries. In Ethiopia, UNIDO's support for the development of the leather industry led to a 20% increase in exports, while in Tanzania, UNIDO's support for the development of the agro-processing sector led to a 40% increase in employment.

Environmental sustainability: UNIDO has played a key role in promoting environmentally sustainable industrial development. For example, UNIDO's support for the adoption of cleaner production methods and technologies has led to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in many developing countries.

Inclusive development: UNIDO has worked to promote inclusive industrial development that benefits all members of society, including women, youth, and marginalized communities. For example, in Egypt, UNIDO's support for the development of the handicrafts sector has helped to create employment opportunities for women and youth.

Global partnerships: UNIDO has established partnerships with a range of stakeholders, including governments, the private sector, and civil society organizations, to promote sustainable industrial development. These partnerships have led to the mobilization of significant resources and expertise for industrial development initiatives.

United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Leadership team

Gerd Müller (Director-General)

Vienna, Austria
Year stablished
Vienna International Centre, Wagramer Str. 5, 1220 Vienna, Austria.
Social Media