Congratulations! Your business was on the rocks, but you’ve managed to bring it back from the brink, and now it’s going to be bigger and stronger than ever. But now that you’ve avoided disaster, what are you going to do? There are likely a number of reasons and factors that led to your business being in a perilous position, and you likely want to avoid all of them. Now is the time to evaluate and future-proof your business. Below are a few tips to help you create some goals to keep the success rolling in and avoid the risk of



Get Profits and Debts In Order

When you were struggling, you likely took out some loans to help boost your business out of the slump it was in. While this might have been a perfectly wise decision at the time, as a smart business owner, you want to be debt free as quickly as possible. This way, if anything untoward should happen again, you have one less cost to worry about. Companies like

offer services that can help to keep your debt at a manageable level and ensure that it is paid off as soon as possible. You should also take a close look at your profits and make sure they are being utilised correctly and efficiently. Is enough of that money going back into the further development of the business? Just because things have started to go well does not mean that you deserve a bonus or a higher salary. Ensure that the needs of the business are met first.

Don’t Get Comfortable

After you spent countless hours working to avoid your business going under, it can be tempting to take a break and recuperate. While you may well deserve and even need a rest, don’t let it go on for too long. You may be out of danger, but you’re not out of the woods yet. Previous hardship is not an excuse for

poor productivity

. You need to be working harder than ever to put as much distance between you and business failure as possible. Your new goal needs to be to constantly strive for better. Never be satisfied with simply existing, your company should always be growing.

Don’t Over-Staff

As things start to get better, it can be tempting to convince yourself that you need an extra pair of hands or two to get the work done. However, though you might be able to just about afford the extra staff now, if things were to slow down a little you may find it difficult to pay the wages for your employees. It’s not just the salary costs you have to consider either, sick pay, holiday pay, and pension contributions all need to be factored in. If you hire staff too quickly, you may find yourself letting them go, which will give you a reputation as an unreliable employer. Something which is very difficult to bounce back from. Hopefully, these tips have helped you to stay on track with your continued progress after having been so close to losing everything. Keep your eye on the prize and keep making new targets and there will be no limit to what you can achieve.