In his latest novel "2040: A Silicon Valley Satire," Pedro Domingos humorously explores a future where traditional politics collide AI. With PresiBot 2.o, the first AI presidential candidate, and Chief John Raging Bull, a Native American nominee, Domingos delivers a satirical take on democracy's evolution.


"2040: A Silicon Valley Satire" is about the future where artificial intelligence plays a key role in American politics. Set against the backdrop of the 2040 presidential election, the novel introduces PresiBot, the AI candidate of a major political party created by Ethan, CEO of the startup KumbAI. As PresiBot contends with Chief John Raging Bull, the first Native American nominee, Domingos explores themes of technological disruption, societal upheaval, and the evolving dynamics of governance in an increasingly digital age.

“The most devastating satires are written by those who know the absurdities up close. Pedro Domingos is deeply familiar with both AI and the follies of its followers. And he's funnier than ChatGPT's hallucinations,” said Steven Levy of WIRED.

Christos Papadimitriou, author of Logicomix, praises the book, saying "Fun and well written. It will be a hit!"

AI's Impact on Politics and Society: '2040: A Silicon Valley Satire’

A Silicon Valley Satire' offers a compelling narrative that blends humour with insightful commentary on the future of AI and politics. Pedro Domingos' novel reveals AI’s mind-bending capabilities and unintended consequences, puncturing both the hype and fear surrounding its evolution. More 'Hitchhiker's Guide to Silicon Valley' than 'Terminator,' the story takes readers behind the scenes of the tech industry, showcasing how major developments arise from personality clashes, cynical stunts, and accidental breakthroughs.

Domingos predicts a future where AI transforms American politics, highlighting the increasing influence of AI-driven campaigns and the evolving struggle for control. He argues that AI's true promise lies in increasing collective intelligence, presenting both its potential and the ethical pitfalls it brings. From AI-run mayoral campaigns in Wyoming to a reanimated Abraham Lincoln bot aiming for the presidency in 2028, '2040' offers a provocative glimpse into a world where AI-enhanced democracy is already a reality." 

The novel explores key themes such as the intersection of AI and politics, humour as social commentary, ethical dilemmas in AI use, and cultural clashes in a technologically driven future.

About Pedro Domingos

Pedro Domingos is a well-known AI researcher, tech expert, and Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington. He gained fame for his bestselling book "The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World," which has been translated into over ten languages and sold more than 300,000 copies.

Domingos is a pioneer in deep learning, adversarial learning, and maximising influence in social networks. He has received prestigious awards in data science and AI, including the SIGKDD Innovation Award and the IJCAI John McCarthy Award. His work has been featured in publications like the Wall Street Journal, Scientific American, and Wired. Pedro lives in Seattle.