Video Interview with Antonio Grasso: Trust In Tech, Digital Transformation And Education
8 Sept 2022, 4:05 am GMT+1
Antonio Grasso is a technology influencer, speaker, founder and CEO, who mostly focuses on AI, Blockchain, cybersecurity and the
. Antonio has over 35 years of experience handling numerous projects in the field of information technology for both enterprise and public sectors and considers himself as a self-proclaimed “digital transformation addict”. On this video, Antonio tells us a bit more about his career, his passion towards technology, how digital transformation is impacting the world, the challenges we all face and gives some glimpse about the near future. His ethical vision regarding digital transformation has seen him active on numerous social channels, all dedicated to spreading knowledge, most particularly to developing countries. Antonio’s aim is to help spread the concept of digital transformation, and he actively engages on social media to bring the latest content on new, emerging technologies and their uses to secure a better future. Antonio Grasso has over 35 years of experience handling numerous projects in the field of information technology for both enterprise and public sectors. He believes that digital transformation is a digital evolution process that involves many aspects and technology is only a component of the puzzle. For him, the biggest hurdle is a cultural change and a strategic approach to face this epochal change is paramount.
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