Champions Speakers

An award-winning speaker bureau and entertainment agency.


Media and Communications  
Champions Speakers
Leadership team

John Hayes  (CEO)

Matthew Hayes (Co-Founder and Managing Director)


Media and Communications

Number of Employees
100 - 500
1st Floor 17 Hanover Square Mayfair, London W1S 1BN
Company Registration
Social Media

Champions Speakers  is an award-winning speaker bureau and entertainment agency that collaborates with influential after dinner speakers, specialized experts, event hosts, and corporate entertainers globally. With a reach spanning 66 countries and over 5000 events, top-tier talent is easily accessible.

As a founding member of the European Association of Speakers Bureaux (EASB), the agency earned recognition, ranking 57th in The Sunday Times’ Fast Track 100 alongside Sir Richard Branson. Additionally, it received acknowledgment in the London Stock Exchange’s 1000 Companies to Inspire Britain.

Since its establishment 18 years ago, the team has expanded from two to over 100 agents and support staff, serving major international hubs including London, Dubai, Beijing, and New York. This growth solidified the agency's reputation as a leading after dinner speakers bureau both in the UK and around the world. Irrespective of the field, the Champions Speakers agency offers access to an unparalleled database of 5000 speakers from diverse domains such as sports, business, technology, and the military.

The agency provides a range of speakers including keynote, motivational, and after dinner, as well as awards hosts and entertainment that align with various scopes and budgets. The focus is on ensuring that the chosen talent truly embodies the essence of the event. With a commitment to inspiring and entertaining, Champions Speakers assists clients in effectively conveying their messages.


Since its inception in 2003, Champions Speakers Agency has undergone a transformative journey. The agency's story began with a father-son partnership, John and Matthew Hayes, who launched the company with their first two staff members. This inaugural year marked the foundational step in what would become an extraordinary odyssey.

As growth surged, the year 2008 saw a pivotal decision to construct purpose-built premises to accommodate the expanding team. This move not only provided the necessary space but also laid the groundwork for the agency's future expansion and success.

A significant milestone was reached in 2009 with the construction of purpose-built offices within the agency's property. The Rt. Hon. Kenneth Clarke QC MP inaugurated the new space, a celebration attended by over 250 staff and clients. This event symbolized Champions' dedication to progress and innovation.

The year 2010 witnessed a pivotal rebranding, reflecting the agency's global presence and diverse offerings. From Champions After Dinner Speakers to Champions: The Speakers Agency, this transformation aligned with the agency's evolution, accommodating international clients, keynote speakers, and specialized requests.

Recognition continued to pour in during 2012, as Champions appeared on esteemed lists such as the Insider Growth100 Table, The Sunday Times' FastTrack100 (57th), The Telegraph 1000 Britain's Brightest Businesses, and Leicestershire's Top 200 Companies. The agency's engagement with the community deepened with partnerships, including collaborations with Rainbows, a children's hospice, leading to over £2 million raised over a decade.

In 2013, Champions solidified its standing as an industry leader. Notably, the agency earned a coveted place in the London Stock Exchange1000 Companies to Inspire Britain. Moreover, it played a pivotal role as a founding member of the European Association Speaker Bureaux. The launch of the National Tribute Music Awards (NTMAs) added another layer to Champions' influence, attracting widespread media attention.

The year 2014 brought individual accolades, as Champions' Managing Director, Matthew Hayes, was named haysmacintyre Top Gun at the Young Guns Awards. The agency's trajectory of success continued with the Santander Breakthrough50 Awards, which acknowledged its early achievements and sustained growth.

Navigating the landscape of 2015, Champions embarked on a physical expansion to accommodate its growing influence. An extension to the existing building was commissioned, culminating in a momentous celebration on September 25th. The Rt. Hon. Kenneth Clarke QC MP returned to mark the inauguration of the new office, a symbol of the agency's enduring commitment to progress.

The subsequent years witnessed Champions' unwavering dedication to evolution and innovation. From diversification with Influencer Matchmaker and the launch of The Motivational Speakers Agency in 2016, to expansion with a London office in Mayfair and quarterly Networking Breakfasts in 2017, the agency showcased adaptability and engagement.

With an eye towards the digital landscape, Champions introduced the Virtual Speakers Agency in response to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. This initiative demonstrated the agency's readiness to harness digital opportunities and cater to changing demands. Moreover, 2020 marked the establishment of specialized agencies like The LGBT Speakers Agency, Mental Health Speakers Agency, Diversity & Inclusion Speakers Agency, Sustainability Speakers Agency, and Female Motivational Speakers Agency.

As Champions pressed forward into 2021, its commitment to inclusivity and societal concerns remained steadfast. The agency's dedication to causes and clients culminated in a record-breaking 1437 jobs booked this year, a testament to its enduring impact.

In 2022, Champions continued to shine on the global stage, securing an impressive 5225 speaking engagements across over 66 countries. The agency achieved a notable milestone by bringing Sir Richard Branson on board for a speaking engagement, underscoring its ability to attract high-profile figures. This year also witnessed the launch of specialized bureaus such as The Cyber Security Speakers Agency, The High Performance Speakers Agency, and The Inspirational Leadership Speakers Agency.

As Champions celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2023, it looked ahead with optimism. The agency remained poised to deliver yet another successful year of impactful speaking engagements, encompassing both in-person and virtual events. Champions Speakers Agency's legacy, marked by growth, innovation, and influence, continues to inspire audiences worldwide.


At the heart of Champions Speakers Agency's endeavors lies a clear and resolute mission: to foster connections that transcend borders and empower audiences through impactful messages. Since its inception in 2003, the agency has pursued this mission with unwavering dedication, continuously evolving to meet the changing landscape of the speaking industry.

Champions Speakers Agency aspires to be more than a bridge between speakers and events; it strives to be a conduit of inspiration, knowledge, and transformation. With a diverse roster of thought leaders, specialists, and experts spanning a multitude of industries and topics, the agency's mission is to curate experiences that resonate deeply with audiences across the globe.


Champions Speakers Agency's vision is a tapestry woven with threads of inspiration, knowledge, and impactful dialogue. Since its inception in 2003, the agency's visionary outlook has guided its evolution into a global nexus of thought leadership and engagement.

At the core of this vision is the belief that every voice has the power to shape conversations, ignite curiosity, and drive change. Champions Speakers Agency envisions a world where diverse perspectives converge, sparking discussions that transcend boundaries and foster mutual understanding.

Through its extensive roster of speakers and experts, the agency envisions creating moments that transcend ordinary events. These moments are ones where knowledge is shared, horizons are expanded, and transformative ideas take root. By continuously seeking out new voices, trends, and domains, Champions Speakers Agency aims to remain at the forefront of emerging conversations and bring them to the forefront of global discourse.

Key Team

Jack Hayes (Director )

Louisa Hayes (CSR Director )

Sophia Hayes (Sales Director )

Roxanna Hayes O (Operations Director)

Claire Murphy (Office Manager)

Products and Services

Champions Speakers Agency offers a comprehensive array of products and services tailored to meet the diverse needs of clients seeking to engage with thought leaders, specialists, and experts. With a mission to connect audiences with inspiring voices, the agency's offerings encompass a wide spectrum of events and engagements.

1. Keynote Speakers: Champions Speakers Agency curates a selection of keynote speakers who bring expertise, insight, and inspiration to events. These thought leaders address audiences with impactful talks that delve into various subjects, fostering valuable takeaways and engaging discussions.

2. After Dinner Speakers: Elevate events with after dinner speakers who captivate audiences with their stories, experiences, and unique perspectives. These engaging speakers add a touch of entertainment while leaving lasting impressions.

3. Motivational Speakers: Inspire audiences to reach their full potential with motivational speakers who share personal anecdotes, strategies, and insights to ignite positive change and drive success.

4. Specialist Speakers: Catering to specific industries and domains, specialist speakers delve deep into niche topics, offering in-depth expertise that resonates with specialized audiences.

5. Awards Hosts: Champions Speakers Agency provides skilled awards hosts who navigate events with charisma, ensuring seamless proceedings and a memorable experience for attendees.

6. Virtual Engagements: Acknowledging the digital era, the agency offers virtual speaking engagements that enable global audiences to connect with speakers from anywhere in the world, fostering seamless virtual experiences.

Champions Speakers
Leadership team

John Hayes  (CEO)

Matthew Hayes (Co-Founder and Managing Director)


Media and Communications

Number of Employees
100 - 500
1st Floor 17 Hanover Square Mayfair, London W1S 1BN
Company Registration
Social Media