Dinis Guarda (Founder Chairman)
Fashion and Textiles
Fashionabc offers a global meta Web3.0 AR VR wiki directory marketplace for businesses worldwide, highlighting a powerful collection of business ecosystem segments.
Fashionabc provides a wide range of services and solutions to support the lagging issues challenging most global business, SMEs, and start-ups.
Dinis Guarda, Founder and CEO of fashionabc says:
“The ultimate challenge for fashion and textile businesses is to implement sustainable ESG / digital transformation growth strategies in all aspects of business culture and processes. Fashionabc offers a sustainability structured platform ecosystem that aligns UN SDG ESG tools for business growth, in a metaverse v-commerce innovative wiki directory marketplace and trade corridors.”
Textile, fashion & Businesses & SMEs account for about 90% of businesses worldwide. These industries are important contributors to job creation and global economic development, accounting for 50% of employment worldwide and about 40% of the national income.
However, these industries are struggling with digital transformation and how to use the tools of the web 3.0 or 4IR Fourth Industrial Revolution can be used to empower them.
Digital transformation is central to the growth possibilities for fashion textile businesses and SMEs. Post-COVID-19, online platforms have opened new sales and sourcing channels for fashion businesses & SMEs. Fashion business SMEs can improve their struggling inclusion and productivity with access to 4IR tools and training in global trade corridor ecosystems.
SMEs face challenges and risks in operating in increasingly sophisticated digital platforms. They struggle to adapt to the new digital trends and most of the fashion businesses don’t even have a website. Complementary investments to raise awareness and develop ICT skills create a higher market share using social media, with evidence of a stronger impact on smaller firms.
Fashionabc offers tools and a simple-to-use metaverse aimed at increasing SMEs' growth through an ecosystem of trade corridors and education and business solutions.
For consumers, fashion is digital: a natural extension of applying eCommerce social media filters on eCommerce platforms such as Shopify, woo commerce, and social media Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. However, the fashion textile industry is mostly offline, with 90% don’t even have a website, and the production is done in emerging markets.
This happens while many fashion brands are exploring the Web 3.0 and metaverse spaces to create an immersive experience with growing engagement and interaction among the consumers.
Fashionabc aims to bridge these two different worlds and create a more inclusive, sustainable fashion industry ecosystem where everyone wins and grows.
Fashioabc envisions creating an interconnected fashion retail ecosystem. The stakeholders in this ecosystem are:
The company further ensures to add value to this ecosystem by educating its consumers and all the other stakeholders for conscious consumption using relational marketing.
Fashionabc is committed to bring sustainable practices to the industry. It, therefore, advocates recycling of fashion collections. It also aims to bring total transparency with analysis of its socio-ecological impact.
Dinis Guarda (Founder Chairman)
Hilton Supra (Co-Founder Vice Chairman CBDO)
Gonçalo Pereira (VP Technology Development)
Dr Maria Fonseca (VP Content R&D)
Hernaldo Turrillo (Editor / Writer)
An Le Ha Nguyen (Global Group VP Operations)
Fidan Aliyeva (VP Strategy Operations)
Ricardo Tomaz (Finance Manager )
Peyman Khosravani (VP Digital)
Fashionabc: Is a Digital Marketplace generating Retail revenue and has access to 1 million Database Partnership with media groups and websites. Offers academy, Training, Intelligence, Trends Online courses/ business intelligence subscription with basic and premium courses and brand sponsorships. The platform also offers metaverse fashion retail solutions: Metaverse Malls virtual malls can provide the opportunity to showcase entire shopping malls metaverse experiences on the global stage. Metaverse Retail Park multi retail multi brand premium tailored metaverse experiences, architectures to display brands, products, spaces for global fashion retail parks. Avatar solutions ultra real avatar experiences for fashion designers, influencers, creators, personalities will help to understand better the product and engage customers.
Fashiondna Limited has segregated its products and services under three verticals:
fashionabc.org offers fashion IQ, retail, and textile solution and services within a single platform that offers and empowers the industry, its communities, ecosystem, brands, businesses, and services.
Retailiq offers a B2B2C retail intelligence quotient (IQ) for the industry at large. Our IQ solutions and services offer an AI blockchain-driven total score and ranking serving and empowering the industry.
Textile IQ offers services, certifications, and rankings derived from a set of standardized tests, questionnaires, or subtests designed to assess UN SDG and ESG scores for each fashion, retail, and textile industry player or personality.
Fashionabc works on 360 strategic levels with influential fashion leaders and businesses across key sectors of the economy to demonstrate fashion innovation and UN sustainable goals - circular innovation at scale.
With Global leaders and Partners and respective industries, we explore the potential of improving the industry with top-level research, white papers, access to cutting edge technology tools, blockchain and AI digital solutions as a source of value creation and industry solutions to problems.
Metaverse Blockchain AI Fintech products
Media / Research
Learn, education re-skilling
Dive deeper into fresh insights across Business, Industry Leaders and Influencers, Organizations, Education, and Investors for a comprehensive view.
Fashion and Textiles