Wisconsin School of Business University of Wisconsin, Madison
Vallabh Sambamurthy
Founded in 1900, it has more than 45,000 living alumni. The undergraduate program prepares students for business careers, while its Master of Business Administration (MBA) program is based on focused career specialisations, and its PhD program prepares students for careers in academia. The school offers student services, such as Accenture Leadership Center, The Huber Business Analytics Lab and International Programs. In the 2019 U.S. News & World Report rankings, the Wisconsin School of Business's undergraduate program was ranked 18th overall among business schools. The University of Wisconsin-Madison currently has the most Fortune 500 CEOs alumni of any school in the world, with 14.
The Wisconsin School of Business offers over several majors for students interested in business, including: Accounting, Actuarial Science, Finance, Investment, and Banking, Information Systems, International Business, Management and Human Resources, Marketing, Operations and Technology Management, Real Estate, and Risk Management and Insurance.
The UW-Madison Executive Education program offers over 70 open enrollment courses in a variety of business and financial topics. In 2009, Executive Education introduced the Professional Development Certificate and the Master Practitioner designation.
Global MBA rankings
In the 2011 U.S. News & World Report rankings, the Wisconsin School of Business's undergraduate program was ranked 13th overall among business schools,7th among public institutions, and third among Big Ten business schools. Its undergraduate degree programs ranked nationally as follows:
Real Estate #1
Risk Management #2
Marketing #9
Quantitative analysis, finance, accounting, and management programs all ranking in the top 20 nationally. The school's MBA program was ranked 29th. The Financial Times ranked Wisconsin's Executive Education programs 14th in the U.S. and 28th in the world. Business Week ranked the Wisconsin MBA 4th fastest in the U.S. for the return on investment. In 2009, Business Week ranked the Wisconsin MBA finance specialisations 26th in the nation. In 2020, the Marketing specialisation for the Full Time MBA was ranked 5th in the Princeton Review's Best MBA for Marketing. In 2012, the Aspen Institute ranked the Wisconsin MBA program 17th worldwide and 15th in the U.S. in "Beyond Grey Pinstripes," a list of the top 100 business schools for environmental, social, and ethical management education.
The University of Wisconsin–Madison as a whole was ranked 35th in the U.S., seventh among public universities, and third among Big Ten schools. The rankings are based solely on the judgments of deans and senior faculty who responded to an invitation to nominate peer institutions on a scale of 1 (marginal) to 5 (distinguished). A total of 38 percent of those surveyed responded. Specialty areas were ranked based on the number of nominations received from respondents
Job integration rate
90 percent of all students ACCEPTED FULL-TIME OFFER Within Three Months of Graduation
Vallabh Sambamurthy