Just a few years ago, the many uses of Instagram were restricted to the individual user, and the point was to share your stories and follow your friends to keep track of their doings and what they’ve been up to lately. But soon enough, businesses saw the potential of Instagram and its many uses, and so a new era emerged, driven by mercantile capitalism and the love for crossing barriers and achieving new goals. The visual appeal and vast reach of Instagram are its most powerful tools, making it more appealing for doing and expanding business than any other platform, yet many still struggle to get ahead of the new tech and make use of it like everyone else. In the text below, we’ll talk about how this simple app can grow your business and expand your current target audience of loyal customers. 

Building a Strong Brand Identity

Similar to your identity, a brand identity is the collective framework of your ideas and values, your stance on work ethic, and the way you treat and respect your customers. It defines your career goals and orients your whole business model in a certain direction. Plus, your brand identity corresponds with your customer base and their views and ideals. Whatever they see in your brand is what keeps them coming back over the years. To create this image and to publicly display it, you’ll need to use the many tools of social media to convey the message you’re so eager for people to hear. Instagram and the many features it has make it possible to do exactly this, as it involves using a cohesive color scheme, logo placement, and tone of voice across all posts. 

How to Create a Bigger Following? 

There’s no better way to build a brand identity than to keep your activities updated with a vast following of customers who’re keeping track of everything going on. And due to Instagram reels and stories, everything you’re doing is up to date and it’s a perfect marketing strategy to target a broader audience of current and potential customers. Plus, the many hashtag trends also allow you to give your approval or disapproval of current global events and trendy themes. This way, you’ll attract a larger body of followers, but if you’re a start-up and still struggling, you can also buy Instagram followers to give you the needed boost. Naturally, the idea behind the method is to make your account look more serious, as a large following gives people the impression of professionalism and reliability. And that’s exactly what you're going for! Now, remember that generating followers organically is the desired norm, but from time to time, these strategies help you create a more professional public image. 

Crafting Engaging Content

It’s hard to imagine how businesses would reach out to their audience with new and daring content without the help of social media apps like Instagram. Although Instagram’s tradition is not as old as TV ads or other forms of marketing, it’s been standing out, and the reason is quite simple - the ability to create engaging content for all the followers. Let’s take a look at how it was before. To get a better understanding of your audience’s views and opinions of your brand, you had to engage them in live conversations, maybe take interviews with passersby on the street, make different polls in all the retail stores, and still, you’d only have a partial understanding of their views and opinions. 

But fast forward a few years, and all of a sudden you can make those polls and get instant reactions and answers. High-quality images, videos, and stories that showcase your products in real-life scenarios are possible because of Instagram. You can demonstrate the practicality and fun of your accessories through tutorials, user-generated content, and behind-the-scenes glimpses. Now, this is something completely new and it’s a game changer. Never has it been easier to engage with such a large body of loyal fans and followers and get instant reactions than now. Make good use of it, as the data gives you a pretty good look into the minds of your loyal buyers. 

Make Use of Insta Adds 

You heard it right, Instagram ads are the perfect example of how a simple app can be utilized to the fullest of its potential. Installing Instagram on your phone is free, and naturally, the app and the many people working on maintaining it need to make money somehow. So, an ingenious solution is the ad you pay for. Insta rolls them every here and there, makes subtle suggestions for your audience, attracts new customers, and promotes the product in a calm and non-invasive way. Instagram’s advertising platform allows for targeted campaigns that reach specific demographics based on interests, behaviors, and location. It’s a smart way to target specific groups based on their interest and preferences, their tastes, and their latest engagement on social media. 

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Leveraging Influencer Partnerships

Instagram also made it possible for many regular people who had a story to share and tell to become influencers and have a vast following of fans. Besides well-known and established celebrities, nowadays you have influencers who acquired fame because they create engaging content and have a lot of followers who are more than eager to like and share their stories. Collaborating with these individuals based on a mutual understanding of your work ethos and values can help you boost more followers and generate more customers. As a result, you’ll be generating more organic traffic on your website and profile and your brand’s name will “ get out there” and reach more people than ever before. 

The possibilities are almost endless and it comes down to your willingness to embrace the new technology available. Instagram truly has changed the game forever. The many tools and features allow you to engage with your customers and followers more, to keep track of changing demographics, their preferences, their behavior, and their thoughts on new and daring projects while generating more organic traffic to your website and other social media platforms at the same time.