Nicole Witt

Nicole Witt is the Executive Director of The Adoption Consultancy.
Nicole Witt
BA (Lehigh University), MBA (Cornell University)


Nicole Witt is Executive Director of The Adoption Consultancy as well as a frequent speaker on adoption and infertility. The Adoption Consultancy is an unbiased resource serving pre-adoptive families by providing them with the education, information and guidance they need to safely adopt a newborn, usually within 3 to 12 months. Nicole has helped hundreds of people to realize their dream of becoming parents.

Nicole earned her BA from Lehigh University and her MBA from Cornell University. She spent over 10 years in Management Consulting and Strategic Marketing before founding The Adoption Consultancy.

Nicole is recognized as an information source. She serves as an Expert Witness in adoption-related cases. She has been interviewed by Today, World News Tonight, Daytime, Redbook, More magazine, E! Online, and many radio programs. She has also been interviewed for articles appearing on www.WebMD.com and www.CBSNews.com. Her articles have been featured in local and national publications such as “Family Building” magazine.

Nicole is a member of the Florida Adoption Council. Nicole is also an active professional member of RESOLVE, the National Infertility Association, served on the Resolve Editorial Board and co-founded the Tampa chapter of the organization in 2007.


Nicole Witt is a distinguished figure in the field of adoption and infertility, leveraging her expertise to guide pre-adoptive families on their path to parenthood. As the Executive Director of The Adoption Consultancy, she has dedicated her career to providing families with the knowledge, support, and resources needed to successfully adopt newborns, typically within a remarkably short timeframe of 3 to 12 months. Nicole's tireless efforts have helped countless individuals and couples achieve their lifelong dreams of becoming parents.

Nicole's educational journey laid a strong foundation for her career. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Lehigh University and later pursued an MBA from the prestigious Cornell University. With her academic background in hand, Nicole embarked on a successful decade-long career in Management Consulting and Strategic Marketing before taking the pivotal step of founding The Adoption Consultancy.

Nicole Witt is not only a  leader but also a recognized authority in her field. She has served as an Expert Witness in adoption-related legal cases, providing invaluable insights and expertise. Her reputation extends to the media world, where she has been interviewed by prominent outlets such as Today, World News Tonight, and E! Online, among others. Nicole's wisdom has graced the pages of reputable publications like Redbook, More magazine, and "Family Building" magazine, where her articles have shared vital information with a wide audience.

In addition to her work at The Adoption Consultancy, Nicole is an active member of the Florida Adoption Council, further cementing her commitment to the adoption community. She also plays a pivotal role in RESOLVE, the National Infertility Association, where she not only serves as a professional member but also contributed as part of the Resolve Editorial Board. Nicole's dedication to this cause led her to co-found the Tampa chapter of RESOLVE in 2007, expanding support and resources for those struggling with infertility.

Nicole Witt's mission to empower families through adoption has made her a beacon of hope for those navigating the often complex journey to parenthood. Her unwavering commitment, coupled with her extensive knowledge and experience, continues to positively impact the lives of countless individuals and families.


Nicole Witt envisions a world where every child, regardless of their background, experiences the warmth and security of a loving family. As the Executive Director of The Adoption Consultancy, her vision extends beyond facilitating expedited adoptions—she aspires to create a societal shift in the perception of adoptive families. Nicole's vision revolves around building a community that embraces diversity, where adoptive parents and birth parents collaborate transparently in shared parenting, fostering environments of love, stability, and understanding. Her focus is not merely on facilitating adoptions but on cultivating a society that recognizes and supports the unique dynamics and journeys of adoptive families, ensuring each child thrives in an environment that celebrates their individuality and roots.

In pursuit of her vision, Nicole aims to spread awareness about the importance of shared parenting, advocating for an inclusive society that values and supports the intricate tapestry of adoptive families. Through her work, she envisions breaking down societal barriers, fostering an environment where openness and collaboration prevail, ultimately creating a world where every child, regardless of their adoption story, experiences a sense of belonging and unconditional love.

Nicole Witt
BA (Lehigh University), MBA (Cornell University)