Peter Wennink

Peter Wennink is a prominent business executive who currently serves as the President and CEO of ASML.
Peter Wennink
Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands
Known for
The Dutch Innovation Prize 2021; Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA) Most Respected Public Semiconductor Company; 2020 Businessperson of the Year

Peter Wennink is a prominent business executive who currently serves as the President and CEO of ASML, a leading technology company. He assumed this role on July 1, 2013, after joining ASML in 1999 as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and a member of the Board of Management.

With a strong background in business and finance, Peter Wennink previously worked as a partner at Deloitte Accountants, specializing in high technology and focusing on the semiconductor equipment industry. His expertise in these areas has been instrumental in guiding ASML's growth and success.

Aside from his responsibilities at ASML, Peter holds various positions and memberships in prominent organizations. He is a member of the Netherlands Institute of Registered Accountants and serves as a Board Member of the Captains of Industry Eindhoven Region. Additionally, he is a Board Member of FME (Federatie Voor de Metaal-nl Electrotechnische Industrie) and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Technical University Eindhoven.

Peter Wennink's influence extends to the finance and technology sectors, as he is a Member of the Exchange Council of Euronext and a Council Member of Topconsortium voor 'Kennis en Innovatie' (High Tech Systems & Materialen) TKI HTS&M. Moreover, he is a valued member of the Circle of Influence of Startup Delta, a network that supports and promotes entrepreneurship and innovation.

Peter Wennink's extensive experience and leadership roles in both ASML and various organizations underline his significant contributions to the business, finance, and technology sectors.


Peter Wennink is a Dutch national born in 1957 and currently serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of ASML. He has been the Chair of the Board of Management since 2013, with his term set to expire in 2024. Peter joined ASML and the Board of Management in 1999, initially holding the position of Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

With an extensive background in finance and accounting, Peter Wennink brings a wealth of expertise to his role. Prior to joining ASML, he worked as a partner at Deloitte Accountants, where he specialized in high technology, focusing specifically on the semiconductor equipment industry.

In addition to his role at ASML, Peter is actively involved in various organizations and industry associations. He serves as the Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and the Eindhovensche Fabrikantenkring. He is also a board member of the Captains of Industry Eindhoven Region and holds the position of Vice-chair of the Board of FME-CWM (Federatie voor de Metaal- en Electrotechnische Industrie). Furthermore, Peter is a member of the Circle of Influence of Startup Delta and a council member of the Dutch Top Sector High Tech Systems and Materials (HTSM or Holland High Tech). He also contributes as a member of the Advisory Committee of the Dutch National Growth Fund and holds membership in the Netherlands Institute of Registered Accountants.

Peter Wennink's broad industry knowledge, leadership experience, and commitment to various organizations highlight his significant contributions to the field of technology and business.


Peter Wennink, as the President and CEO of ASML, has demonstrated a clear and compelling vision for the company's future. Under his leadership, ASML has become a global leader in the semiconductor industry, driving innovation and shaping the future of technology.

Wennink's vision revolves around advancing the boundaries of what is possible in the semiconductor field. He understands that technology is rapidly evolving, and to stay ahead, ASML must continuously push the limits of innovation. He envisions a future where ASML plays a pivotal role in enabling the next generation of technological advancements, powering industries and transforming society.

One key aspect of Peter Wennink's vision is sustainability. Recognizing the importance of environmental responsibility, Wennink has emphasized the need for sustainable practices within ASML and the semiconductor industry as a whole. He envisions a future where ASML leads the way in developing environmentally friendly solutions, reducing the carbon footprint, and creating a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Moreover, Wennink's vision extends beyond ASML's success. He is dedicated to fostering collaboration and partnerships within the industry, believing that by working together, the semiconductor ecosystem can achieve greater advancements and overcome challenges collectively. He envisions a future where collaboration drives innovation, enabling breakthroughs that benefit the entire industry and society as a whole.

Throughout his tenure, Peter Wennink has consistently demonstrated his commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainability. His vision for ASML encompasses not only technological advancements but also a responsible and collaborative approach to shaping the future. Through his leadership, ASML continues to thrive and set new benchmarks in the semiconductor industry, fulfilling Wennink's vision of creating a brighter and more technologically advanced future.

Recognition and Awards
Peter Wennink's leadership and strategic vision have been instrumental in ASML's success. The company has consistently been recognized as a global leader in the semiconductor industry, and under Wennink's guidance, ASML has received multiple prestigious awards, including the "Best Innovator Award" from Forbes and the "Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA) Most Respected Public Semiconductor Company" award.
Peter Wennink
Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands
Known for
The Dutch Innovation Prize 2021; Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA) Most Respected Public Semiconductor Company; 2020 Businessperson of the Year